Camboja: Reaching Students on the Edge through School Support & Computer Labs

Postado Agosto 17, 2015 .
2 minutos de leitura.

In rural Cambodia, students are frequently torn between attending school and staying at home to help work their parents’ farms. The resulting absenteeism, when chronic, can lead to school dropout, which is especially acute in Grades 7-9. The School Dropout Prevention Pilot, financiado pelos EUA. Agência para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, seeks to reach those at-risk youth by identifying them through an Early Warning System. Some schools in the pilot also received computer labs to entice student attendance.

Cambodian girls using computer

Preventing Dropout: Reaching At-Risk Students to Ensure They Stay in School

Chronic absenteeism can lead to school dropout, a concern that is especially acute for Cambodian students in Grades 7-9, who are at greatest risk of leaving school. USAID’s School Dropout Prevention Pilot identifies and reengages those at-risk students.

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Cambodian Children at Computer

Computer Labs Entice At-Risk Students to Stay in School

Chronic absenteeism puts students at-risk of dropout. No Camboja, educators and the government thought in-school computer labs would be a draw for students—and they were right. The USAID School Dropout Prevention Pilot’s computer labs program is a hit with students.

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Cambodian teachers in classroom

Pilot Project Encourages Students to Stay in School

No Camboja, Vários fatores impedem as crianças de frequentar a escola regularmente, o que os coloca no maior risco de desistir. O piloto de prevenção de abandono escolar da USAID campeões a importância da educação e da participação regular entre as crianças e seus pais.

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Cambodian girls working on computers.

Unique Early Warning System Alerts Parents & Community of At-Risk Students

Os sinais de alerta de uma criança que podem eventualmente sair da escola estão lá. Identificar esses fatores de risco e o desenvolvimento de uma intervenção são chaves para manter as crianças na sala de aula. O sistema de aviso prévio do piloto de abandono escolar da USAID entre as ferramentas para escolas e comunidades.

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