Jordan’s public education and youth development systems face significant challenges due to a growing population of school-aged children, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and an influx of refugees.
The USAID-funded Jordan Technical Assistance Program (TAP) aimed to improve institutional capacity and enhance service delivery in the education and youth sectors.
The Jordan Technical Assistance Program (TAP) addressed systemic challenges within the Ministries of Education and Youth. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, TAP focused on transforming organizational culture, improving systems (e.g., human resources, budgeting, planning, policies, and monitoring and evaluation), and enhancing institutional and administrative expertise to ensure effective service delivery. Through a blended approach to teacher professional development, TAP improved learning outcomes in foundational skills, while also promoting positive youth development by strengthening youth centers’ activities and supporting effective youth strategy implementation.
TAP was led by Creative and implemented with two Jordanian-based organizations, EdviseMe and ConsultUs, and worked hand-in-hand with both ministries and relevant stakeholders to strengthen institutional and administrative expertise, accountability, and frameworks for improved service delivery to Jordan’s students and youth.
Program Achievements
TAP recognized the importance of building institutional and administrative capacity within government ministries to ensure effective service delivery. Through targeted interventions focused on improving systems and processes, such as human resources, budgeting, planning, and monitoring and evaluation, the program enhanced the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Ministries of Education and Youth. The success of these efforts was evidenced by improved coordination among agencies, transparent resource allocation, and timely policy implementation, ultimately leading to better outcomes for Jordan’s children and youth.
In order to ensure that government partners had the necessary skills and resources to effect change in the education and youth sectors, TAP transformed the organizational culture and increase the institutional capacity within the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Youth. Through direct technical support, TAP modeled and utilized approaches that promoted positive behavior change and built human resource capacity including training, workshops, embedded support and ongoing assessments.
To ensure that the partner Ministries had the resources needed to operationalize the program goals above, TAP supported the Ministy of Education and the Ministry of Youth to identify, budget for, develop and procure materials and logistics utilizing its own financial resources, or those provided by USAID, in order to build capacity and sustainability.