Think Creative - Issue 4

4 | Think Creative | Fall 2018 updates from around our world Dispatches When I first learned that a lack of nutrition is causing endemic levels of stunted growth among the children of Honduras’ Dry Corridor, I was unable to stop tears from running down my cheeks. I used to believe that people’s height, intelligence and other characteristics were determined primarily by their genetics. But after working with the Dry Corridor Alliance – PROSASUR project, implemented with INVEST-Honduras, I have seen firsthand how so much of someone’s life can be affected by their nutrition. In my role, I get to visit communities that are working with our project to raise healthier children. On this day, we picked up nurse Paula Padilla in her bright white uniform and drove to a health clinic in the town of Ojo de Agua. In 12 municipalities, staff work with mothers and leaders like Paula to monitor children’s growth and give guidance to moms on how to improve nutrition. In communities like Ojo de Agua, we work with whatever resources are available: Scales are hung from trees, and nutrition education focuses on crops that parents can grow in their own yards. These days, if a tear rolls down my face, it’s because I’m seeing our project and families working together to ensure children in this remote region have brighter and healthier futures. Dry Corridor Alliance By Amalia San Martín, Dry Corridor Alliance – PROSASUR Communications Officer 07 Dispatches Updates from around our world 08 // Surfing the technology wave in Nicaragua 09 // • Lifting literacy, one word at a time in Pakistan • Field Notes 10 // Building resilient youth in Tunisia 11 // A Right to Learn: Morocco Reading for Success 12 // In Focus: Nigeria Regional Transition Initiative 14 Cover Package Workforce in Motion An innovative approach to strengthening practical business skills in Afghanistan Training for 38,000 Afghans has transformed the country’s workforce and supported key industries. ON THE COVER: Market scene in central Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan. Photograph by Jim Huylebroek for Think Creative . In this Issue Photos by Skip Brown (Dry Corridor); JimHuylebroek (NRTI, AWDP), Gretchen Robleto (Digital Literacy), Mounya El Asri (A Right to Learn) In Focus: Nigeria Regional Transition Initiative 13 p. A Right to Learn 11 p. Surfing Technology Wave 08 p. snap shot