Think Creative - Issue 3

Creative Life a mission-driven community 30 | Think Creative | Summer 2018 “Why are you interested in working at Creative?” I’ve been on both sides of this question during my tenure in Creative’s human re- sources department – first inWashington and now in Nigeria. I interviewed for my first job at Creative in 2014, a role in which I recruited staff for HQ projects and proposals. After pursuing another opportunity – and quickly real- izing I needed to get back to Creative – I found myself in the interviewee seat again in 2017. It was then that I was re-hired as Africa Regional HR Operations Manager based in Abuja, Nigeria. These days, I’mdoing fewer interviews of job candidates. But I have the opportunity to do what I’mmost passionate about, which is supporting other HRmanagers across the globe so they can best serve their projects and field staff. One day I’mflying to Ethiopia to lay the groundwork for the launch of a new project, and then soon after I’m in northeast Nigeria conducting a training with a local HRmanager. It’s rare for an organization to have such a resource embedded in the field to support local employees regionally, but it just demonstrates Creative’s dedication to its global staff. For me, being able to work with colleagues in person rather than just through Skype or email really gives a different perspec- tive and insight. When I can visit project offices, shake hands and speak face-to- face with colleagues, it helps me better understand staff members’ HR issues and concerns and ultimately do my job better. I don’t remember what I said back in 2014 when I was asked during my first interview about why I wanted to work at Creative. But if I had the chance to respond today, I would say that I want to work for an organization that collaborates with communities across the world so they may achieve the positive change they seek. I love working for an organization that is passionate about helping others overcome hardship and live peaceful and fulfilling lives. n Jeffrey Coleman Regional HR Operations Manager, Africa It’s rare for an organization to have such a resource embedded in the field to support local employees regionally, but it just demonstrates Creative’s dedication to its global staff.” “ Photos by JimHuylebroek (top left), Jeffrey Coleman (top right, bottom); GirumGudeta (right center) Jeffrey (fourth from left) welcomes staff of a Nigeria education program during a start-up orientation. Jeffrey leads new hire orientation for staff of the Ethiopia READ II project in Addis. Both intrepid travelers, Jeffrey and his terrier Lizzy have adapted to life in Nigeria. walk this way A day in the life of a Creative team member