Think Creative - Issue 1 | 11 • SMS-Enabled Interaction , which facilitates confirmation of delivery by school principals and motamids (stock keepers) through text messaging; • Automatic Reporting and Noti- fications , which provides real-time status reports and feedback to the Afghan Children Read staff. Accurate data collection and effec- tive textbook-demand forecasting with Creative’s Track and Trace is improving the book value chain and the likelihood of schools receiving the correct number and type of books so that students can get a quality education. Based on the rollout’s success, Afghan Children Read is expand- ing Track and Trace for textbook deliveries in Nangarhar and Lagh- man provinces in 2017. Along with Afghanistan, the new technology will be used for education projects in sub-Saharan Africa. n In some of the most dangerous communities in Honduras, thou- sands of youth have discovered a “second home.” More than 60 Outreach Centers have served as the bedrock for the five-year Alianza Joven (“Youth Alliance”) Honduras project, funded by USAID. Not only a safe place for youth to play and learn, the Out- reach Centers have been a rallying point around which families, busi- nesses, the national government and municipal governments have come together to prevent violence. Youth earn certifications through Microsoft Academies, learn life skills and goal planning through the “Challenge of Dreaming My Life” curriculum, take a hard look at gender stereotypes to break the cycle of “machismo” and exercise at a “For My Neighborhood Gym.” Communities have come together to spearhead violence prevention campaigns that have raised aware- ness about ways to stem violence and spread a culture of peace. Alianza Joven Honduras also pilot- ed an innovative, evidence-based secondary violence prevention initiative that identified the most at-risk youth and provided intensive family counseling. The pilot’s success at reducing risk levels for violence and building resilience led to its expansion under a project called Proponte Más. Alianza Joven Honduras officially ended in April 2017, and now its Outreach Centers and other initiatives rest in the hands of com- munity partners and an NGO that worked alongside the project and will continue to provide technical assistance. The Honduran govern- ment, municipalities and the private sector will also continue to support these programs. The violence prevention network it built, from engaged citizens all the way up to the national govern- ment, will benefit youth for years to come. n Honduras violence prevention project comes to a close, but legacy lives on “We have been able to accompany these youth for a short time… and they have grown to be a part of our hearts.” Salvador Stadthagen, Alianza Joven Honduras Chief of Party “This program has had a great impact. Outreach Centers have been established in communities and neighborhoods, changing the lives of many youth. It’s a seed that has borne fruit.” - First Lady of Honduras Ana García de Hernandez “We want to do the best that we can to continue with what has already been given to us … I am committed to this program and committed to continue making it work.” - Margarita Blandin, Coordinator of Las Ayestas Outreach Center in Tegucigalpa “Many people have asked me why I do so much work for free. For me, it’s very satisfying to give so much without expecting anything in return; to serve, and to have people in your own community appreciate you. It’s a really big achievement for me.” – Seidy Medina, Outreach Center volunteer 38,500 youth benefited from violence prevention initiatives and services 64 Outreach Centers established in high-risk neighborhoods 2,160 volunteers joined violence prevention efforts 13,500 youth participated in “Challenge of Dreaming My Life” curriculum $10.5 million invested by project partners, including the Honduran government and private sector Alianza Joven by the numbers: In their own words: Reflections and looking ahead Honduras / / Alianza Joven Photo by Sara Barger Delivery is confirmed and books are delivered to students School They’re Here!