TAJIKISTAN: Creative-QLP Photo Awarded Second Prize in U.S. Embassy Contest

Posted May 22, 2012 .
1 min read.

Creative’s Quality Learning Project was awarded second prize in the U.S. Embassy’s photography contest, “Connecting Girls, Inspiring the Future” held to celebrate International Women’s Day and National Women’s Month in March. The contest was publicly organized through the U.S. Embassy Facebook site. The winning photographs were on display from April 16 -20 at the National Library in Dushanbe.

The pictured students are from a 2nd grade class at School #53 in Kulob, Tajikistan. Their teacher, Ms. Tovusbi Mirzoeva, was trained under the Quality Learning Project in lesson planning using student learning objectives. The approach allows teachers to assess a student’s progress in meeting those learning objectives. The Quality Learning Project’s formative assessment techniques allow teachers to adjust their instruction to reinforce learning. Ms. Mirzoeva was trained in helping children take responsibility for their own learning by empowering students to review and reflect on their own work. Peer assessment, mainly in pairs, further allows students to review each other’s work and provide constructive feedback, reinforcing communication, cooperative learning, and analysis skills. Currently in 5th grade, the pictured students are still using the learning approaches they experienced with Ms. Mirzoeva with their present teachers.

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