Interactive electoral violence database goes live

Posted February 26, 2018 .
2 min read.

Policymakers, practitioners and researchers have a new and innovative tool to protect elections against violence.

 Jeff Fischer, Senior Electoral Advisor at Creative, says that the database aims to provide experts an inventory of relevant interventions in any given country and any electoral contexts.

 “This new innovative Electoral Violence Prevention Practices database will be a useful tool in ensuring more informed interventions are crafted to prevent and mitigate violent outbreaks in elections,” says Fischer, who served as a co-investigator on the Explaining and Mitigating Electoral Violence project.

Developed as a research initiative of the Explaining and Mitigating Electoral Violence Project, the Electoral Violence Prevention Practices database catalogues interventions intended to prevent electoral violence.

The research for the database was conducted by King’s College London, under the direction of Sarah Birch, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science. Creative Associates International is co-administering the database with King’s College London.

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Explaining and Mitigating Electoral Violence Project is developing the conceptual, practical and methodological tools needed to understand violence associated with electoral processes. The project’s research is also seeking to determine the strategies best suited to preventing, managing and mediating electoral conflict.   

The database is searchable by country, specific election, intervention type and implementing organization. There is also a map where country-specific searches can be conducted.

The intervention entries will be updated annually in order to provide the latest innovations for the user to review.

To access the database, please visit Electoral Prevention Practice database or contact Jeff Fischer.