Creative wins USAID’s SWIFT 6 funding mechanism to address conflict

Posted September 6, 2024 .
2 min read.

A critical funding mechanism that enables USAID to contract skilled implementers for rapid responses to conflicts, violence and their underlying destabilizing causes has been awarded to Creative Associates International. 

Issued by USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives, the Support Which Implements Fast Transition (SWIFT) 6 Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract provides vast opportunities to bolster democracy, peace and stabilization in countries facing political transition. 

A student poses in front of a mural she helped to paint at the Instituto Carlos Roberto Floresin Tegucigalpa as part of a violence prevention activity through the USAID/OTI Central American Regional Initiative program. Photo by: Jim Huylebroek for USAID/OTI

“Creative is honored to continue its well-established relationship as a reliable, innovative implementer of USAID Office of Transition Initiatives programs,” says Leland Kruvant, President and CEO of Creative. “Our locally focused implementation shows measurable, demonstrable results in communities struggling with conflict, violence and frayed social cohesion.” 

During its three-decade relationship with the Office of Transition Initiatives, Creative has worked to curb insurgency, protect human rights, counter violent extremism and usher in democratic peace in countries ranging from Colombia to Nigeria and Cameroon to Pakistan. The 10-year SWIFT 6 IDIQ follows the SWIFT 5 contract, under which Creative successfully implemented essential programming to support U.S. policies in challenging locations and regional initiatives. 

This summer, Creative successfully wrapped up the Central America Regional Initiative, focusing on El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, that addressed the drivers of violence and irregular migration. Among the activities, the regional program addressed gender-based violence, reclaiming public spaces and enhancing transparency.  

As part of USAID’s Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization, the Office of Transition Initiatives targets critical issues — such as conflict, democratic backsliding, counterterrorism and stabilization — in fast-paced contexts through short-term, high-impact activities. These programs set the groundwork for lasting democracy, peace and stability by working with local partners in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. 

“OTI remains a critical tool in the U.S. foreign assistance toolkit, employed when conditions are right to strategically catalyze positive transformation in the wake of human-made or natural disaster, accelerating the restoration of human dignity and social stability when it is most needed,” says Tom Bayer, Director of Creative’s Practice Area on Conflict Prevention and Stabilization. 

Currently, Creative is implementing the USAID/Office of Transition Initiatives Littorals Regional Initiative in Ghana, Togo and Benin to work at the community level to support counterparts in target areas to withstand the increasing pressures of violent extremism by addressing factors of instability. The program approaches the issues with locally developed solutions informed by data and global best practices.