Minister Latouf: Achieving comprehensive and sustainable development demands activating the role of women

Posted June 21, 2010 .
2 min read.

A training session on the foundations of development and local community mobilization began yesterday for trainers and practitioners in the field of community service. The program took place at the Federation’s headquarters under the auspices of the General Jordanian Women’s Federation with the collaboration of Creative Associates International.

During the opening ceremony, the Minister of Social Development, Hala Latouf called on the program participants, all of whom were Jordanian women, to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

She said that the responsibility of empowering women and increasing their public participation, especially in decision making, is not the Government’s responsibility alone, but is also a social responsibility involving the private sector and civil society organizations alike.

She added that achieving comprehensive and sustainable development requires activating the role of women, who make up half of our society, to stand alongside men to increase the productive capacity of the national economy and to improve the standard of living which contributes to improving family standards and that of society as a whole, stressing the need for women to participate in decision making processes.

The president of the Federation, Nuha Maayta, expressed her thanks and appreciation for the efforts made by the Minister of Development to invite this international organization to present their expertise and hold this type of training session under the auspices of the contribution of the Federation, to provide trained, young qualified cadres to lead innovation in the service of their local communities.

The representative of Creative Associates International, Nuran Kolan, pointed out that her organization, which is based in Washington and is headed by women, works in 20 countries around the world and aims for development, change and stabilization in local communities following conflicts.

Participants in the two day training program were from development, political and social development ministries, the city council of Greater Amman, Jordan University, municipalities, and women’s associations and organizations.

Original Article (Arabic)

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