Symposium Proceedings:

Stability Operations and Development in a New Era: Making the Whole of Government Approach Work

March 10, 2009


On February 12, 2009, Creative Associates International, Inc. and Lockheed Martin held a symposium on readiness, stability operations, and development that drew the participation of senior U.S. government officials, former senior officials, senior congressional staff, subject matter experts and industry leaders, as well as programmatic professionals. The discussion hinged on two overarching themes— Getting it Right: Defining the Challenges and Context, and Everything is Local: The Importance of Culture, History and Language. Read the full synopsis here.

Photos by: Creative Associates International

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Creative Center for Stabilization & Development Senior Associate, Jessica Kruvant (left), U.S. Southern Command Admiral James Stavridis and Creative President and CEO, M. Charito Kruvant.

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