
Reframing Fragility and Resilience Series


Reframing Fragility and Resilience Series

This five-part series on Fragility and Resilience by Pauline Baker, President Emeritus of the Fund for Peace and Senior Governance Advisor at Creative, examines complex dynamics in fragile states and factors that can both promote and counteract resilience along a fragility-resilience contiuum. The series reviews case studies in Egypt, Honduras and Pakistan and offers insights for practitioners on how best to mitigate conflict and promote resilience.


Development experts have long debated the relationship between state fragility and economic decline. The first paper in the five-part “Fragility and Resilience” series by Pauline Baker, this paper uses three different approaches to examine the relationship between a range of socio-economic variables and conflict risk to suggest ways that policymakers may better mitigate conflict and promote recovery.

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The second paper in the five-part “Fragility and Resilience” series by Pauline Baker, this paper focuses on the three years of political turmoil in Egypt that began in February 2011, when President Hosni Mubarak was forced out of office following mass anti-government demonstrations and ended in June 2014, when General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi was inaugurated as the country’s fifth president.

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The third paper in the five-part “Fragility and Resilience” series by Pauline Baker, this paper analyzes the complexities of Honduras, including epidemic rates of violence and income inequality set against an idyllic backdrop of beaches and luxury hotels. Analyzing a domestic opposition movement that condemned economic injustice, lack of security, and the erosion of democracy, Baker asks if this could represent a turning point for the country.

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The fourth paper in the five-part “Fragility and Resilience” series by Pauline Baker, this paper examines critical developments in a country widely regarded as one of the world’s most fragile states. Baker dissects some of the conditions and circumstances that will determine which direction Pakistan will take when confronting challenges from jihadists groups to economic barriers.

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The final paper in the five-part “Fragility and Resilience” series by Pauline Baker, this paper pulls from the findings from the first aggregate research paper plus the three preceding case studies on Egypt, Honduras and Pakistan to examine and clarify the challenge of fragile states and the fragility and resilience model. It summarizes principal findings of the series and maps out implications for governance and peacebuilding practitioners.

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