Área de foco

Crescimento econômico

Creative unlocks inclusive economic opportunities by strengthening market systems, fostering private sector competitiveness, and building a market-ready, skilled workforce around the world.

These initiatives attract private sector investment, enable sustainable business growth, and empower people, incluindo mulheres, youth and marginalized groups, to live better lives. We work with the private sector, comunidades, educadores, and government partners to design and implement locally led approaches that focus on inclusive, sustentável, and equitable economic growth. With significant experience working in non-permissive environments and fragile and conflict-affected regions, we use a cross-sectoral approach to build resilience and create diverse economic opportunities, especialmente para mulheres, juventude, and marginalized populations.

Estabelecer parcerias com o setor privado para compreender as necessidades da sua força de trabalho, Trabalhos criativos com educação e formação técnica e profissional (TVET) instituições, provedores de treinamento formal e informal, partes interessadas da comunidade e organizações não governamentais para projetar programas de desenvolvimento da força de trabalho. As nossas intervenções proporcionam resultados orientados para o mercado, programas de treinamento baseados em competências, melhorar as capacidades dos prestadores de TVET e de formação, fornecer técnico, digital, e treinamento em habilidades para a vida e oferecem aconselhamento de carreira, colocação profissional e apoio contínuo que permitem que as pessoas sejam membros produtivos da força de trabalho. Para apoiar uma sociedade sustentável e eficiente em termos de recursos, A Creative ajuda as indústrias energéticas e não energéticas nos seus planos de transição energética justa, formando a força de trabalho existente e nova em competências verdes para empregos verdes. Parceiros criativos com instituições de TVET e o setor privado para conceberem em conjunto currículos centrados nas STEM que atendam à crescente procura de profissões orientadas para as STEM.

Recognizing that many of the people we work with are in the informal sector, especially youth and women, Creative specializes in supporting both formal and informal pathways to livelihoods for underserved populations. We support aspiring entrepreneurs with training in business management and sales, including financial education, liderança, marketing and sales, and we facilitate access to markets to sustainably grow their business, enabling them to realize greater efficiencies, increase income and employ others.

Recognizing that the private sector is key to economic growth, Creative places heavy emphasis on partnerships with the private sector as a major asset to any sustainable economic development project. Creative strategies, collaborates and implements activities with and through the private sector to achieve greater scale, inclusão, sustainability and effectiveness of interventions, providing economic stability and resilience to people and communities.

Creative works with financial and non-financial institutions and other co-investment partners to mobile private capital and incentivize investment in the private sector. Creative works with private sector businesses across a wide range of economic sectors to attract and utilize investment by improving their productivity, adopting new technologies, expanding their product offerings and meeting market demand. This enables companies to increase the volume and value of their trade in new and existing markets, both domestically and internationally.

A majority of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas and depend on the agricultural sector for livelihoods. Agricultural development is critical in reducing poverty, boosting incomes and increasing food security. Creative partners with businesses in the agriculture and agricultural-adjacent sectors to provide sustainable and inclusive livelihoods and community resilience.

Creative’s programs deliver a wide range of enterprise and entrepreneurship development support for individuals, micro-, pequeno- and medium-sized firms whose success will contribute to increased competitiveness and economic growth and stability. Creative works with businesses and entrepreneurs as well as business development service providers to build a robust business-enabling ecosystem that leads to sustainable economic growth for all.

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