Como um programa de alfabetização se tornou uma atividade de sustentação da vida

Postado Junho 15, 2024 .
1 minutos de leitura.

Designed initially as an early-grade reading program, the USAID-funded READ II activity sought to improve the reading proficiency of 15 milhões de crianças em sete regiões da Etiópia (Adis Abeba, Amara, Oromia, somali, É assim, SNNP e Tigré) in English and mother-tongue languages.

READ II pivoted twice to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and the escalation of armed conflict in northern Ethiopia. Em 2022, the activity emerged as the Education Recovery Activity, diverting all its remaining resources to provide an education in crisis and conflict response in Tigray, Amhara and Afar regions.

Over six years, READ II has impacted children and educators across Ethiopia, promoting early-grade reading and later education as a life-sustaining activity.

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