Honduras: A jardinagem une e empodera as mulheres Garifuna

Postado Poderia 26, 2024 .
1 minutos de leitura.

A community garden is empowering Garífuna women in Honduras. Created by the community-based Asociación de Mujeres Garífuna Mixta, or ASOMUGAMIX, it is a space for Garifuna women to organize and unite. It is receiving support from CARI Honduras, um programa da USAID/Escritório de Iniciativas de Transição.

“Quando começamos, women normalized everything. E agora, they’re waking up,” says Arely Ibeth Barahona Martinez ASOMUGAMIX of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. “I was a victim. Thank God I’m a survivor and I’m telling the story. But I feel that through our association, there are so many women who are getting out of that cycle and are asking for help.”

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