Female religious leader builds peace in northern Ghana

Postado Agosto 24, 2022 .
1 minutos de leitura.

Hajia Mariam Alhassan Alolo has created more than 100 religious centers in northern Ghana, including in and near the city of Tamale, that have serviced thousands of students, mostly women and girls. Hajia Mariam uses her role to identify and reduce conflicts within families and the community, as well as working with other religious leaders to resolve intra-Muslim conflicts in the north. Com o apoio da Iniciativa Regional dos Litorais financiada pela USAID/OTI, she has developed new peacebuilding and leadership skills that have benefited her community and peers. Produzido pela Littorals Regional Initiative em nome da USAID/OTI. As opiniões expressas são do entrevistado e não refletem necessariamente a posição dos EUA. governo.

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