Escrevendo para resiliência: Jovens autores salvadorenhos compartilham suas histórias

Postado Setembro 13, 2018 .
Por Gerson Lara e Evelyn Rupert .
4 minutos de leitura.

At a town hall in La Libertad, O salvador, a group of youth authors proudly hold their newly printed books, flipping through pages they wrote themselves.

For five months, 89 youth wrote, edited and illustrated these books, putting stories and experiences from their own lives down on paper. Josué wrote about a birthday. Rebeca wrote about friendships, both good and bad. Others wrote about love, futebol, família, school and “An Unforgettable Day.”

The authors, ranging in age from 9 para 29, were guided through the writing process by ConTextos and its Soy Autor (“I’m an Author”) iniciativa, with support from the Projeto de Prevenção ao Crime e à Violência em El Salvador.

Rene Flores, a Soy Autor participant, says he was motivated to join by the prospect of publishing his own book – and sharing his story as a way to help others.

ConTextos participants celebrate the printing of their books. Fotos de Gerson Lara.

“It pushed me forward and allowed me to open up my mind and get to know the other people in the workshop,”ele diz. “I hope that people who read by book can relate and see that whatever they’re going through, they can get past it.”

The Crime and Violence Prevention Project is funded by the NÓS. Agência para o Desenvolvimento Internacional e implementado por Criativos associados internacionais. O projeto, in partnership with municipalities, has established more than 160 Outreach Centers across the country to provide opportunities to local youth – in sports, música, arte, skill building e mais.

The Soy Autor program was brought to five of these Outreach Centers, all in the municipality of Apopa, which has historically been a hotspot of violence no país.

Rene says that through the 22 writing workshops that took place at the Apopa Centro Outreach Center, he was able to work through the initial difficulty of putting his own words down on paper.

“I overcame some fear I had about speaking, about letting people get to know me and writing about my personal life,” Rene says. “It takes courage to face those challenges and use writing to get things off your chest.”

A safe space to share

Para muitos jovens, the writing process provides an opportunity to speak openly about traumatic experiences in a safe space and empathize with others. Soy Autor instructor Jenny Knapp says that in communities that see high levels of crime and violence, she has read stories about youth who have lost loved ones, seen parents incarcerated or witnessed friends being killed.

“Soy Autor provides an opportunity for youth to express those difficult things and to develop their capacity for expression, critical thinking and vulnerability,”ela diz. “They can share what they often hide, and ultimately turn sadness into something that can be valuable for others.”

That’s exactly what Rene hopes will be the impact of his book when his friends and peers read it for the first time.

“I want to dedicate this book to certain people so that they can be inspired and see that despite the obstacles, you can move forward,”ele diz. “And that even if they’re going through something difficult, they can overcome it … You fall, but you always get back up and dust yourself off.”

A young boy holds his book.
Josué Gómez receives his book, which he wrote about a birthday.

Jonatan Trujillo Garcia, coordinator of the Apopa Centro Outreach Center, says that those participants with tough stories to tell had the support they needed to keep going when the writing got challenging. With the encouragement of the instructors, he was also able to participate and write a book about his graduation – a story that he says helped him recommit to the goals he had set for himself.

“What helped me the most was having that support from the workshop’s instructors, who gave us the strength and the encouragement to be able to tell these stories, because there are some stories that are really difficult, and it’s not easy to have that courage to write them,”ele diz. “Thanks to this opportunity, we have broken negative ways of thinking and have more courage to be able to talk about our experiences.”

The Crime and Violence Prevention Project’s Karen Duarte, who leads efforts on innovative prevention, says that more than 90 percent of the Soy Autor participants had a high exposure to violence, which can contribute to them continuing the cycle of violence in the future. But the writing initiative helped them cope with those traumatic life events, which can be a risk factor that contributes to the cycle of violence.

“Soy Autor developed in young people the skills to write their own narrative, communicate their life stories and generate empathy,”ela diz. “Additionally, it’s a form of therapy to address and understand the stresses they’ve experienced and help reduce the risk factors of traumatic events, qual, if left unaddressed, can influence that young person to become part of a gang.”

Building empathy and peer support

A girl works on her book.
A young girl gets some guidance on illustrating her book.

Jonatan says that at Apopa Centro, he saw firsthand the transformation that occurred as youth were able to remove the “masks” that they often wear and open up to one another and to themselves.

“They supported one another to write the stories and get things off their chest, leaving behind some of those fears that they had, that sadness, and converting into a positive force with which they can help others,”ele diz.

By introducing youth to a creative outlet, means of self-expression and tool to work through traumatic experiences, Soy Autor equips them with a means of addressing challenges for the rest of their lives.

“We know that Soy Autor is a step,” Knapp says. “We try to turn these youth into readers and writers for life, so that it’s a habit and they know that throughout the course of their lives, no matter what happens, they can find refuge in pencil and paper, and they can tell their experiences and share them.”

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