USAID concede IDIQ de Estados Efetivos de Comunidades Ativas para Criativos

Postado Fevereiro 9, 2022 .
Por Sabra Aires .
2 minutos de leitura.

Os EUA. Agency for International Development has awarded Creative Associates International the Active Communities-Effective States (ÁS) indefinite delivery, quantidade indefinida (IDIQ), which is designed to support the U.S. esforços do governo para fortalecer a boa governação, transparência e responsabilidade em todo o mundo.

Creative led a team of 14 partners to win the five-year ACES IDIQ, which will play a pivotal role in bolstering country ownership and self-efficacy through improvements in governance systems and accountability.

ACES supports USAID’s Strategy on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG Strategy), which the agency created in 2013 with the “overarching goal to support the establishment and consolidation of inclusive and accountable democracies to advance freedom, dignity and development.”

Creative’s shared-responsibility shared-success approach to building democratically governed states focuses on changing roles and responsibilities in the governing system. The system’s approach is assessed through Creative’s Fragility Resilience Assessment Methodology (Quadro®) and by incorporating it into ACES implementation, USAID will have a partner that builds resilient states, diz Debby Kimble, Creative’s Director for Democracy, Governança, & Election Integrity.

Creative’s approach to democracy and governance work reflects a shift from the supply-and-demand paradigm to one of shared responsibility and shared success, Kimble says.

“We feel that that captures the active-citizenry effective-state relationships. What we focus on is building strong governance systems that support the democratic process and deliver on the promise of democracy,”ela diz.

ACES will use an “accountability systems” approach, moving beyond a narrow focus on supply-side versus demand-side to emphasize citizen participation and inclusion, responsabilidade, transparency innovation and integration. The project will work with host countries in various stages of development.

Task orders under the ACES IDIQ will address the DRG Strategy’s development objects including democratic governance, estado de direito, public financial management, anticorruption and other domains to provide a solid platform to address the weak governance, poor services and lack of trust that sap the resilience of underserved communities.

ACES intends to build on two previous funding mechanisms, Encouraging Global Anti-corruption and Good Governance (ENGAGE) Indefinite Quantity Contract (QI) and the Strengthening Deliberative Bodies IQC, the agency said.

The ACES IDIQ funding structure will allow Creative to compete within a pool of other global development organizations on future task orders. The IDIQ ceiling is $225 milhão.

ACES will be implemented by Creative in partnership with technical anchors Deloitte Consulting LLC, Fundação Westminster para a Democracia, VNG Internacional, Centro Nacional de Tribunais Estaduais; geographic anchors ACORD, Corpovisionarios, Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas, Middle East Development Network, and The Asia Foundation; specialized members DevSeed, Social Impact, Universidade Estadual do Arizona, and International Center for Journalists (ICFJ); and small business OSC.

Creative’s 14-partner consortium developed for the ACES IDIQ brings global technical experience and regionally based partners to “capture the culture and the political nature of different parts of the world,” ela diz.