Ukrainians continue a sense of social cohesion, study finds

Postado Fevereiro 7, 2023 .
By Mariellen Jewers .
1 minutos de leitura.

A year into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, people in the war-torn country are forging ahead with their lives despite ongoing instability and active conflict. In the third installment of Creative’s ongoing series about Ukraine, it released a study on the sentiments and experiences of Ukrainians residing in Ukraine to understand issues of social cohesion in the wake of widespread internal displacement within Ukraine, as well as gauge disposition towards migration as economic pressures of the war and the burden for rebuilding set in. The full study is available here.

While the vast majority of respondents to Creative’s study did not intend to leave Ukraine, a considerable number of individuals queried in July 2022 considered migrating. Understandably, safety and security by far remain the principal concerns of those consulted, provoking at-risk populations to relocate—and preventing refugees abroad from returning Ukraine. There were clear signs of financial struggle among individuals who participated in our study, with many reporting marked financial insecurity at present and financial uncertainty looking forward.

At the same time, Creative found a profound sense of responsibility and self-efficacy among Ukrainians in contributing to their communitiesfuture. Ukrainians’ commitment to rebuilding and sense of shared responsibility are invaluable and unassailable assets in meeting the nation’s immense development challenges. As the war continues, Creative’s researchers said that intentional efforts to sustain and enrich existing community cohesion ought to be considered within plans for recovery.