Avançando na Educação Básica: Access for All IDIQ

Postado novembro 15, 2016 .
3 minutos de leitura.


Avançando na Educação Básica: Access for All IDIQ


[/vc_column_text][/vc_coluna][/vc_row][vc_row][largura da coluna_vc=”2/3″][vc_column_text]yem05061428Creative Associates International provides support to Goal Three of USAID’s Education Strategy—which seeks equitable access to education for 15 million children in conflict and crisis-affected countries—as one of the holders of the “Advancing Basic Education: Access for All” Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (ABE: ACCESS IDIQ) contrato.

Creative and its partners are prepared to implement USAID’s programs that use education to mitigate crisis, conflict and fragility. The Creative-led consortium includes four core partners (Comitê Internacional de Resgate, Educação Mundial, RTI e Sistemas de Gestão Internacional) e 13 technical partners that provide specialized expertise, including language and materials, capacitação, monitoramento e avaliação, gênero, tecnologia de informação e comunicação, juventude, inclusive education and peacebuilding.

These partnerships bring not only an expansive breadth of expertise, but also strong relationships with scores of local and regional organizations ready to support this work.[/vc_column_text][vc_separador][vc_row_inner][largura vc_column_inner =”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Core Partners

Criativos associados internacionais
Comitê Internacional de Resgate
Sistemas de Gestão Internacional
Educação Mundial

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Specialized Partners

Center for Applied Linguistics
CID Consulting
Development Gateway
DevTech Systems
Equal Access
Handicap International
Karuna Center for Peacebuilding
Tornando Cents Internacional
Universidade Estadual de Michigan
Pearson Education

Click to View Partners



dsc_4862Creative and its consortium partners have a successful track record of providing educational services in conflict and post-conflict environments, including Afghanistan, Bosnia, Egito, O salvador, Haiti, Iraque, Kosovo, Libéria, Nigéria, Serra Leoa, Sudão do Sul, Paquistão, Timor Leste and Yemen.

Creative is the lead implementer in the USAID-funded Programa de resposta a crises educacionais, which focuses on providing basic education and psychosocial services to internally displaced school-aged children in Northern Nigeria.

Focusing on four of the most heavily affected Northern states, Creative and its partners developed and are managing a community-based initiative that provides literacy, math and life skills through non-formal education centers. The program will reach more than 54,000 internally displaced children.

In close collaboration with state and local education officials, as well as religious leaders, NGOs and affected families, the Education Crisis Response program has developed a curriculum that assists children to recover their lost education, maintain their grade-level studies and support them as they recover from the shock and brutality of the insurgents.

No Iêmen, Creative supported the improvement of Arabic early grade reading outcomes by partnering with the Ministry of Education to enhance teachers’ pedagogy and classroom management through an innovative Yemen Early Grade Reading Approach.

In rehabilitated classrooms in which children regained a sense of normalcy, teachers received not only training and materials but continuous professional development, coaching and mentoring that allowed them to grow as professionals to deliver better quality education. The safe learning environments and improved methods have contributed to increased enrollment despite ongoing instability.

No Afeganistão, Paquistão, Iraq and Ethiopia, IRC has introduced the Healing Classrooms model, an approach that focuses on expanding and supporting the positive role that teachers can play in crises in making and maintaining “healing” learning spaces in which children can recover, grow and develop.

Internal assessments have shown that in Afghanistan, por exemplo, following the integration of Healing Classrooms in IRC’s work, trained teachers made considerable efforts to create more conducive, child-centered learning environments.

In post-conflict Kosovo, Karuna Center for Peacebuilding trained kindergarten teachers to lead multiethnic and multilingual classrooms. Karuna Center’s training focused on building a culture of tolerance for children and partners, and building a team of teachers who were healing from vastly different experiences of war.

Ao apoiar as comunidades para expandir o acesso a ambientes seguros, educação de qualidade, Creative and its partners’ education in conflict programs contribute to stabilization and political transition, meeting the physical and psychological needs of vulnerable populations and ultimately contributing to greater economic growth and prosperity.[/vc_column_text][vc_separador][vc_column_text]


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