A New Governance Program To Build Resilience in Burkina Faso

Postado August 2, 2021 .
By Aja Beckham .
4 minutos de leitura.
The Inclusive Governance for Resilience program to restore trust, effective communication and reliability for service-delivery amongst government, citizens and groups. 

A new five-year U.S. government program seeks to rebuild Burkina Faso residents’ communication and trust in government institutions that ultimately will reduce the proliferation of violent extremist groups in the country. 

The citizen-state relationship is weak in some areas due to poor services and infrastructure such as schools and health centers. Photo by: iStock; Peacebuilding Project

Financiado peloNÓS. Agência para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, the nearly $20 million award will support the newInclusive Governance for Resilience program. The program will work with government, sociedade civil, private sector and citizens to co-create roadmaps to build resilience and trust that the government will deliver services. It will be implemented by Criativos associados internacionais in partnership with Lutheran World Relief 

Leland Kruvant, Creative’s President and CEO, emphasizes that local actors and institutions are critical to the new program’s success. 

“Fostering local leadership, encouraging continuous learning and sharing related experiences have proven to be part of a winning solution for at-risk and distressed communities,” says Kruvant. 

A fundamental tool is Creative’s innovateFragilidade and Resilience Assessment Methodology (commonly calledFRAMe®), whichis a mapping tool that identifies the sources that weakenthe citizen-state relationship and access to community resources. ConverselyFRAMe illuminates resiliency in communitiesproviding opportunities to build on places where the citizen-state relationship is stronger. 

DeborahKimbleDirector ofCreative’sDemocracyGovernance and ElectoralIntegrity’s Practice Areasays the dynamic partnershipsamong state institutionslocal non-state actors, ecivicinstitutionsis fundamental totransforming relationships and building odemocratic governance and social capital needed to restore cohesion and trust while countering violent extremism. 

Local actors will contribute significantly to theInclusive Governance for Resilience program bytaking onleadership roles, while receiving close mentoring and oversight from Creative. The local leaders will also facilitate workshops with Village Development Committees and other groups to discuss constructive advocacy strategies, instead of passive or violent approaches to agitate the government for services. The program seeks to restore trust, effective communication, and collective interest and responsibility in government affairs and services. 

Local Challenges

Violence continues throughout Burkina Faso because of conflict among governmentcitizensself-defense groups and violent extremist groups. The governmentsought volunteers to fight violent extremistswhich further increased local violence and caused greater social division. 

As of August 2020, violence displaced more than 1 million people, particularly in the SahelCentre-Nord, East and Nord regions. 

Sahel is most affected by attacks from armed and vigilante groups such as Koglweogowhich has escalated conflict in the area. The violence is compounded by distrust in the government due to poor services and infrastructure such as schools and health centers. 

In Centre-Nord, there is a longstanding conflict between farming communities and herders because of limited available land. In the East Region, residents have felt abandoned by the government because of limited access to water and electricityheightening tensions and mistrust. 

Nord has the highest poverty rate in the nationwith 7 out of 10 people living below the poverty line and suffering from food insecurity. Violence has erupted in the area, targeting state institutionsas well as minority communities and Christians. 

OInclusive Governance for Resilience analysis and plan towards peace and cohesion will be different for each region depending on the needsunique challengessocial and power dynamics and openness to private sector investment. 

An initial six-month inception period will allow Creative and USAID to decide on priorities and next steps for the five-year government program. During this periodCreative will conducta political economy analysis, gather citizensinsights through FRAMe, eassess the capacity of commune administrations and civil societyorganizations, to address factors that counter peace and reform and apply that data to create a roadmap towards cohesion and resilience.