Creative joins the IDB’s 21st Century Skills Coalition

Postado dezembro 5, 2022 .
2 minutos de leitura.

Creative Associates International has joined the Inter-American Development Bank’s 21st Century Skills Coalition, which brings together the private sector, non-governmental organizations and education authorities to improve learning ecosystems in Latin American and the Caribbean to ensure youth to acquire transversal skills.

“Creative brings an on-the-ground perspective to these critical life skills that is based on years of beneficiary focused activities in Central America and elsewhere in the region," diz Leland Kruvant, President & CEO of Creative. “The Coalition and the diversity of its 54 members demonstrate the essential role we all play when preparing youth to be successful outside the classroom.”

Coalition members commit to promoting the development of transversal skills – which are typical workplace expertise required for success – such as adaptability, collaboration, empathy and critical thinking to support learners of all ages to lead productive lives and positively engage in society. Together, they seek to offer a range of services and concrete tools for individuals to successfully navigate the constantly changing needs of the workforce and society.

“Youth around the world have become disenchanted with the promise of education and opportunity” says Cory Heyman, Ph.D., Vice President & Senior Director of Creative’s Education for Development Division. “Organizations such as Creative and Coalition partners need to inspire new ways of engaging young people with the tools to respond to rapidly evolving job markets and economic transformation.”

Students at the Centro de Computo Municipal in Cojutepeque.

In addition to Creative and the IDB, Coalition members include Google, IBM, AWS, Netflix and Coursera, as well as Ministries of Education, international and regional NGOs and social impact companies in the Western Hemisphere.

Kruvant says the Coalition’s pledge aligns with Creative’s mission – to support people around the world to realize the positive change they seek – and “we are directly supporting youth in the hemisphere to gain the necessary ingredients for success.”

The expansion of 21st Century skills for all individuals, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalized, holds the promise of improving learning outcomes, developing a productive workforce and promoting a peaceful and engaged citizenry – the pillars of Creative’s work in the region and around the world, Heyman says.