New education program targets 2 million children in Nigeria

Postado novembro 10, 2015 .
3 minutos de leitura.


New education program targets 2 million children in Nigeria


[/vc_column_text][/vc_coluna][/vc_row][vc_row][largura da coluna_vc=”2/3″][vc_column_text]WASHINGTON, DC. – More than 2 million children in three critical Northern Nigerian states will be the target of a new program to improve reading skills and increase access to basic education, Creative Associates International anunciou hoje. (

Funded by the U.S. Agência para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID), the five-year program called the Northern Education Initiative Plus will improve states’ ability to provide both greater access and higher quality basic education in formal and non-formal schools—especially for girls, out-of-school children and other marginalized groups.

Led by Creative Associates International, NEI+ will be implemented in the Northern states of Bauchi and Sokoto. A third state will be announced.

“By strengthening the educational system itself and working closely with teachers, parents, communities and civic society organizations, NEI+ will ensure both short-term and long-term benefits to schools and the students they serve,” says Creative’s Semere Salomão, who will direct the program.

Solomon notes that 30 percent of school-aged children in Northern Nigeria do not have access to basic education. This is attributed to a combination of cultural beliefs, lack of educational facilities and insecurity as a result of the insurgency.

Learning outcomes are also poor for a variety of reasons. Por exemplo, pre-service institutes in Nigeria do not have early grade reading instruction in their curriculum. Furthermore, existing educational materials—which are already in short supply—do not incorporate modern pedagogical approaches.

Federal, state and local education authorities have agreed to participate in the five-year NEI+ project. Mais do que 30 Nigerian local nongovernmental organizations will be involved in the program.

Partnering with Creative are three U.S.-based international organizations—Education Development Center, Florida State University, Overseas Strategic Consulting—and four local organizations—Value Minds, Association for Education Development Options, Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All and the Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria.

Creative’s years of work in Nigeria

Creative has been working on a variety of specialized development projects in Nigeria for more than a decade.

“NEI+ builds on Creative’s programmatic and operational strengths in the region, including our extensive relationships with communities, NGOs, traditional and religious leaders and government officials,” says Creative President Leland Kruvant. “We are honored that USAID selected Creative to carry out this important project in this vital region of Africa.”

In addition to NEI+, Creative is also implementing a USAID-funded initiative to support internally displaced students in three Nigerian states. Mais do que 2.2 million Nigerians have been displaced from their places of origin, the largest concentration in Africa, as a result of the insurgency.

Launched in 2014, Education Crisis Response program is expanding access to quality and protective non-formal education and alternative education opportunities for out-of-school children ages 6 para 17 and reducing the burden on local schools already stretched thin by limited resources.

It is implemented by Creative and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), along with local nongovernmental organizations, such as Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All and the Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria.

To learn more and view videos, please visit the multimedia special report. (

About Creative

A Creative Associates International trabalha com comunidades carentes, compartilhando conhecimento e experiência em educação, crescimento económico, governação e transições do conflito para a paz.

Com sede em Washington, DC, A Creative tem projetos ativos em mais de 15 países. Desde 1977, funcionou em quase 90 países e em quase todos os continentes. Reconhecido por sua capacidade de trabalhar rapidamente, de forma flexível e eficaz em ambientes afetados por conflitos, A Creative está comprometida em gerar soluções sustentáveis ​​de longo prazo para problemas complexos de desenvolvimento.

Iniciado por quatro mulheres empreendedoras com experiências diversas, A Creative cresceu e se tornou uma das líderes entre os EUA. implementadores do setor privado de projetos de desenvolvimento global. A Creative pertence e é operada por minorias.[/vc_column_text][/vc_coluna][largura da coluna_vc=”1/12″][/vc_coluna][largura da coluna_vc=”1/4″][vc_widget_sidebar barra lateral_id=”barra lateral primária”][list_category_posts_widget title=”RELATED POSTS” id_gato=”124,129,170″ pedido_por=”data” número de postagens =”3″ trecho=”sim” tamanho_do_excerto=”15″][/vc_coluna][/vc_row]