Lúcia de Morales, is the Chief of Party for the USAID-supported Projeto de Construção da Paz, which works closely with the government, indigenous authorities and civil society stakeholders to reduce social conflict and violence and improve social cohesion and peacebuilding in Guatemala.
Antes de ingressar na Creative em 2020, Lucy was a Deputy Chief of Party of the USAID Violence Prevention Project – Convivimos and member of the team of the USAID Local Governance Project – Nexos Locales. She worked for several international development partners, including ChildFund, DAI Global, Contraparte Internacional, Mercy Corps and the Pan American Heath Organization. She was named Minister of Social Development, with the responsibility to create and develop the Ministry and run seven social development programs.
Lucy has 40 years of experience in managing social development programs and humanitarian assistance in crises in Guatemala, América latina, Ásia e África, in stable, emergency and conflict contexts. She has extensive experience in social protection and human development programs. She has also worked on issues of institutional strengthening, local governance and conflict management.
Lucy earned a Bachelor of Arts in Nutrition and has a postgraduate diploma in Gender, Public Administration, Community Health and Development and Maternal and Child Health and Food and Nutrition Security.