Transforming Ghanaian communities through international trade

Publié mai 15, 2024 .
Par Pariesa Brody .
1 lecture min..

Nuts for Growth and Ethical Apparel Africa, two Ghanaian companies, are making significant strides in transforming their communities through international trade. With the support of USAID’s Commerce en Afrique de l’Ouest & Centre d'investissement, these companies are expanding their production capabilities and increasing their exports. Nuts for Growth specializes in shea butter processing, while Ethical Apparel Africa focuses on clothing manufacturing. While their products may be different, both companies are not only creating employment opportunities for local workers but also driving economic growth within their communities.

By harnessing the power of international trade, Nuts for Growth and Ethical Apparel Africa are making a positive impact on Ghana’s economy and paving the way for a brighter future for their communities.

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