In Chamelecón, the Comité Intersectorial started a series of afternoon coffee meetings called “Tardes de café con Pan ” to talk about local issues in a relaxed setting. Là, open conversations about transparency, accountability and activism strengthen the collaboration and trust within the community. “We have recognized the need to address transparency and corruption to promote economic, social and cultural development in our communities,” says Odalma Enríquez, Président, Comité Intersectorial Chamelecón, Honduras. “And we truly realized that the less we know, the more vulnerable we are, and the more we know, the more power we have.”
Through CARI Honduras, the USAID/Office of Transition Initiatives is supporting the Comité Insersectorial Chamelecón. Les opinions exprimées dans cette vidéo sont celles des personnes interrogées et ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position des États-Unis.. gouvernement.