Sept prix dans deux concours pour le reportage multimédia de Creative en Amérique centrale

Publié juin 3, 2020 .
5 lecture min..

A multimedia package highlighting the drivers of Central American migration earned prestigiousTelly Awards for outstandingnon-broadcast work in the categories ofdocumentary seriessocial issues, videography/cinematography etediting, Creative Associates International announced. 

Called “Saliendo Adelante,” the winning package is a showcase of 17 videos, most of which profile people who had migrated from Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala, a region known as the Northern Triangle.

From the video project also stemmed unwebsite, print collateraland aPensez créatif cover storycentered on one of the most in-depth analyses to date of local factorsthat drive most migrants fromHonduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, also known asthe Northern TriangleThe study, conducted by Creative, it isbased on extensive data mining, statistical analysis and a 2,400-person survey conducted in February and March 2019. 

“Thisambitious outreachcampaign puts faces to the study’s revealing statistics,» ditPablo Maldonado, Creative’s Chief Operating Officer, who also led theNorthern Triangleresearch initiative. “I commend the team in headquarters and the field who worked on this major and impressive multimedia package.” 

Le 2020 Telly Awards sont all from the non-broadcast category and comprise the following: SilverDocumentary: Series; SilverGeneral: Social Issues; SilverCraft: Videography/Cinematography; and BronzeCraftEditing 

Guatemala migrant and child
Ervin Choc, a returned migrant and one of the people the team interviewed, stands with his daughter in a corn field his family rents. Photos by Janey Fugate.

In another competition"Saliendo Adelante» won aCommunicator Award of Excellence in the category ofCampaign or Series Vidéo. 

Duringthree weeks of field production, Creative crisscrossed Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to capture the stories of people who had previously migrated or planned to make the trip to another country, typically to the United StatesFocusing on thecommunautés queare theprimary sources migration, the extensive production took the teams fromthe rural Western Highlands of Guatemala to dense urban neighborhoods of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. 

CréatifsSeniorWriter etEditor Evelyn Rupert was the lead producerfor the project from planning to post-production and script writing.Janey Fugate was theleadphotographer, videographer, video editor and secondary script writer, whose technical videography and editing skills earned the project two Telly AwardsThe pair began planning for the trip inFebruary2019 and finished production by June. 

CréatifsSenior DirectorMichael J.. Fraude supervised the project and traveledwith Rupert and Fugateto Honduras to support the field production. Communications Manager Marta Maldonado traveledwith the teamto El Salvador in support of filming.Senior DesignerAmanda Smallwood designed the microsite and print collateral, y comprisPensez créatif. Jillian Slutzker, àle time the Strategic Content Manager, coordinated the project. 

During planning and filming, the production team received assistance from many friends and colleagues in the region, y comprisAu Honduras, Amalia San Martín; Kenny Castillo; Arnold Linaresin GuatemalaDan Mooney, Steve Dudenhoefer and Carlos Quim; etin El SalvadorGerson Lara, Rodrigo Moran and Harold Sibaja. 

As part of the packageCréatifalso followed the story to suburban Washington, D.C., to profile a family that migrated to the United States to flee violence in El Salvador. They are in the process of applying for asylum. Called “Juan Carlos and Jessica’s story,” it was produced and editedparsegment contributor Veronica Balderas. Erick Gibson was the photographer etvideographer. 

En outre, Creative sent a team to Tijuana to profile a Honduran migrant who was waiting at the U.S.-Mexico border. Called “Jose’s story,” it was filmed, written and edited by Lucas Williams. 

Unrelated to"Saliendo Adelante,» Creative earned two 2020Telly Awards for its package called“Families at the Forefront of Preventing Violence which focuses on a Honduras crime and violence prevention program calledProposer pluswhich is financé par les États-Unis. Agency for International Development.The three videos, filmed in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, Honduras, en août, earnedtwo Bronze awards for DocumentarySeries et Craft:Videography/Cinematography, both in the non-broadcast cateory. 

Depuis 2016, Creative has won 16 prestigious Telly Awards. Each year, the Telly Awards showcases the best work created within television and across video, for all screens. Receivingplus que 12,000 entries from all 50U.S.states andfive continentsTelly Award winners represent work from some of the most respected advertising agencies, television stations, production companies and publishers from around the world. 

Président et chef de la direction de Creative, Leland Kruvant, congratulated the team for the 2020 awards. 

“We believe that the combination of groundbreaking research and excellent storytelling will allow communities and policymakers to better understand andrespond to the drivers of migration,” Kruvant says. 

Honduras family
Dariana Zapata (center left) poses for a portrait with her family on HondurasCaribbean Coast. Dariana was one of the many parents who expressed her desire to support her child as motivation for emigrating.

About the study

In February 2019, Creative commissioned an ambitious research study that first zeroed in on those municipalities that have the highest rates of outward migration from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Analyzing data from nearly 900 municipalities, Creative identified the 60 that combined account for more than half of all the region’s emigration. 

In those 60 municipalities, Creative then conducted 2,400 individual inperson surveys to gather data on intentions to migrate, family, the economic situation of the household and exposure to crime, among other points. Based on these surveys and extensive data analysis, Creative was able to distinguish the different triggers of migration in each municipality, as well as paint a general portrait of potential migrants. 

These conclusions shed light on the region’s textured migration landscape and can be used to inform highly focused programming that can mitigate irregular migration and improve the conditions of Central Americans. The study took on the name “Saliendo Adelante,” borrowing from a Spanish phrase that was heard frequently across the region as people described what drives them to migrate – their resilience and desire to move forward in life.