International development leader named Executive Vice President for Programs

Publié mai 3, 2018 .
3 lecture min..

One of the leaders in global development, Earl Gast, has been appointed Executive Vice President for Programs of Creative Associates International, a role that will have him lead the implementation of all programs, the company announced today.

Gast, who was Senior Vice President since June 2016, will now oversee three Divisions—Education, Economic Growth and Communities in Transition—which currently have programmatic activities in more than 30 countries from Afghanistan to Honduras.

Gast spent more than two decades with the U.S. Agence pour le développement international. Appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate, in April 2012il a prêté serment as the Assistant Administrator for USAID’s Africa Bureau, qui disposait à l'époque de ressources de programme de plus de $8 billion covering nearly 50 pays. After retiring from USAID, Gast était conseiller international principal chez Covington & Burling, LLP, à Washington, D.C., where he co-led the firm’s Africa Practice.

Leland Kruvant, Président et chef de la direction de Créatif, said the promotion of Gast from Senior Vice President to Executive Vice President for Programs is part of the company’s strategic plan and accommodates the organization’s growth resulting from new business.

“Earl is an exceptionally talented professional who combines unmatched development experience with superior management expertise,” says Kruvant. “Earl is well respected by our clients, partners and host governments.”

Dans ce nouveau rôle, Gast will have strategic and operational responsibility for programs, as well as building and maintaining positive relations with Creative’s current and future clients in the U.S. gouvernement, Europe and elsewhere. He will also lead Creative’s Africa and Middle East and North Africa strategies.

A successful career in global development

Chez Créatif, Gast has led the Education Division and the Economic Growth Division, helping to refocus their efforts. Since then, the company has won new education contracts in Nigeria, Ethiopia and elsewhere.

During his tenure as USAID’s Assistant Administrator, Gast a lancé de nouveaux partenariats et initiatives présidentielles, dont Power Africa et Trade Africa, et mobilisé des fonds auprès de plusieurs organisations mondiales pour obtenir une plus grande échelle et des résultats plus importants. Il a également travaillé aux États-Unis. agences gouvernementales et avec la Maison Blanche pour rédiger la stratégie du président pour l’Afrique.

Prior to his nomination as Assistant Administrator, Gast served as USAIDs Mission Director in Afghanistan, which was providing $4 billion in assistance to increase stability in the country.

Gast was one of the first USAID employees stationed in Iraq, where, as the missions deputy director from April 2003 to March 2004, he helped launch operations and manage a $2.2 billion reconstruction program in the country. After a successful tour in Iraq, he served as the USAID representative to the U.N. agencies in Rome in 2004.

Depuis 2005 à 2008, Gast was the regional mission director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, and from 2008 à 2010 he was named as USAID’s Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Africa.

Gast began his career with USAID in 1990 as a project development officer for USAID/Philippines.

He earned numerous awards and commendations for his dedicated service. Most prominently, he received USAID’s Award for Heroism in 2004 et, dans 2003, the Distinguished Unit Award for his work in Iraq. Gast also received the C. Herbert Rees Award in 1999.

Gast earned a master’s degree in political science and Middle East studies in 1987 de l'Université George Washington.

Il est diplômé summa cum laude de l'Université du Maryland en 1984 with a bachelor’s degree in history and criminal law. En plus de son anglais natal, Gast speaks Russian and Arabic.