Creative celebrates partnerships, succès & future in Nigeria
Par Jillian Slutzker
[/vc_column_text][/vc_colonne][/vc_row][vc_row][largeur vc_column = »2/3″][vc_column_text]On Feb. 23 à Abuja, Creative convened key partners, amis, donors and staff to celebrate important achievements and partnerships through Creative-implemented projects in Nigeria. Creative’s Africa Strategy for development was also an important topic of discussion.
The reception, held at the Transcorp Hilton, was attended by more than 130 key stakeholders, including DFID Education Advisor Esohe Eigbike and Bappah Aliyu, head of the National Commission for Colleges of Education, among other Nigerian government officials and international development practitioners.
Representing the company from Washington, DC. were CEO Charito Kruvant, Director of Executive Operations Tim Kernan and Senior Advisor of Global Operations Charlie Alliman, entre autres. Also in attendance were staff from Creative’s three USAID-funded projects in the country: Initiative d'éducation du Nord Plus, Nigeria Education Crisis Response Program, and the Nigeria Regional Transition Initiative.
Photos par Erick Gibson.
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