Congress Applauds Secretary GatesUSGLC Speech

Publié septembre 15, 2011 .
1 lecture min..

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Congress Applauds Secretary GatesUSGLC Speech

[/vc_column_text][/vc_colonne][/vc_row][vc_row][largeur vc_column = »2/3″][vc_column_text]The impact of Defense Secretary Robert Gatesspeech at the USGLCs Tribute Dinner on July 15 continues to generate positive responses among leaders in Congress. On July 26, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, delivered a speech on the Senate floor in support of Secretary Gatescalls to increase funding for development and diplomacy, agreeing that « we have undermanned and under funded them for too long and we realize today more than ever the unwelcome consequences of that neglect. »

On July 31, Représentant. Howard Berman (D-CA-28), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, also spoke eloquently in support of Secretary Gatesremarks at the USGLCs Tribute Dinner, stating, « I wholeheartedly agree with Secretary Gatesthoughtful statement and welcome his support for rebuilding the US civilian diplomatic and development capacity. » Both Chairman Levin and Berman submitted Secretary Gatesspeech into the Congressional Record to share with all of their colleagues.

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