Flattening the curve of an “infodemic”

Publié mai 13, 2020 .
6 lecture min..

Fake news about the virus could be just as harmful as COVID-19.

Quanddozens of people in Nigeria, L'Iran, Russia, Uruguay et Arizonawere hospitalizedin late March 2020,they were not victims of the notorious coronavirus. They were deceivedby what the WorldHealthOrganization refers to as an"infodemic.» After reading false information on social media, they had attempted to use various harmful methods, y compris industrialmenthol and chloroquine phosphate, to prevent contraction of the virus 

According to WHO, an infodemic is“an excessive amount of information about a problem, which makes it difficult to identify a solution It can includemisinformation, disinformation, fake news and rumors during a health emergency que hamper an effective public health responseby creating confusion and distrust. 

This phenomena didn’t come as a surprise, as Creative Associates Internationalc'est Development Lab has been focusing on disinformation for years in the context of its projects around the world; howeverthe mix of rapidly developing social media space andlejust as swiftly spreading coronavirus gave leinfodemic a new spin. Because disinformation will continue deepening theglobal health crisis, any efforts to offset the infodemics effects are urgent and necessary. As a global development implementer, Creative has a role to play in supporting its communities in this space.

The delicate pandemic-infodemic dance

Spread of rumorsand untruthful information can be traced as far back asRoman timesbutthe notorious termdisinformation was introducedalmosta century ago byleSoviet Union’s Joseph Stalin.And whileleUSSR ceased to exist almost three decades ago, disinformationwars have beenincreasingacross the globe, especially in thepastfive years due to fast development of the social media networks and the very nature of disinformation andfake news. 

Le use of social media has increased the dissemination of news and information, unccording to a 2017 study by theArkansas Journal of Social Change and Public ServiceEn même temps, the very scandalous nature of fake information and fake news allows for much faster spread than the truthful information, a 2018MIT study foundDisinformation has also beenadopted, in unprecedented ways, as a tool ofconflictby several major political influencers, including Iran, Russia, Chine, Pakistan, Inde, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Par Septembre 2019, au moins 70 countries had been exposed toleir disinformation (up from 48 dans 2018 et 28 dans 2017), according to anOxford University study.  

UNmid COVID-19,ledisinformationnarratives havecentered around healthconcerns, conspiracy theories, lockdown fears et false cures, as well associetal and politicalpolarization, according toa study by the EUDisinfo Lab 

A joint Reuters Institute and Oxford Universitystudy found thatalors quethe amount of disinformationhas grown like never before during COVID-19,  sohas the number ofinstitutional andindividual factcheckers (900 depuisJanuaryà March 2020)According to the study, 59 pour cent of the disinformation was reconfigured content, and the rest was completely false content. The reconfigured content received 87 pour cent of social media interactions.Twenty percentof the content was top-down (either purposeful or accidental) disinformation sharing from high-level politicians, security agencies engaged in inauthentic online behavior and celebrities, but this kind of content received over 69 pour cent of reactions. 

Disinformation is oftendisguised asmerelya political tool, but when a pandemicbreaks outlerumor millkicks into gear. Past pandemicsy comprischolera etEbola, havebeen accompanied by disinformation or aninfodemic. As emotions and fears run high, pandemics offerfertile ground for the spread of disinformation. Par exemple, Russian disinformationhas relied on emotionto attract people to their narrative for the past10 à15 années, et the current crisis is no different.  

Yonder, a startup that studies disinformation, has discovered that during uncertain times like COVID-19, conspiracy narratives spread faster. Under normal circumstances, it takes themsixàeight months to fully penetrate, but amid COVID-19 it only takesthree to 14 days. As people around the world social distance, many have turned to social media the fastestdisseminator of fake news  for more information and almost everyone is exposed to theinfodemicAnd there’s another twist: lemore theinfodemic spreads etcauses distrust inhealthcare authorities (like the WHO or the CDC)the morethe pandemicevolves 

Pandemics are not the only time when disinformation spikes.Élections are anothercommonwayfor disinformation to flourishespecially when it comes to foreign-sourced disinformation, according to theNational Endowment for DemocracyDisinformation also spikes duringviolent conflictslequel in extreme cases can lead to agenocide 

Disinformation might seem like a mere buzzword to some. But it is arguably as harmful as any other weapon of mass destruction, because it provokes mass reallife action.And while combating disinformation in general is important, at a time of a pandemic this task becomes critical. 

Creative’s work on disinformation

Leaning on its decades of experiencein citizen securityCréatiftook interest in disinformation’s effect on fundamental freedoms and societal resiliency long before COVID-19. Creative has implemented programming to strengthen independent and unbiased mediain places like Syria and Afghanistan.Créatifc'est Development Labhas also begun to engage in the disinformation detection and responsespace, specifically looking at disinformation on online networks. Le Labhas conductedsocial media monitoring for several of Creative’s programs, such as analyzing thousands ofsocial media posts from public Boko Haram-affiliated accounts to investigate the group’s mentality and strategies.  

Creativec'est Development Labis producingquick guides ondifferentiating between fake news andprofessional news reporting etfinding differences between inauthentic and coordinated social media campaigns and genuine posts, developing trainings and supporting materials for Creative projects andthe communities we support.  

Even though til infodemic is mostly taking place online, the consumers and the debunkers of disinformation (such as fact-checkers, community leaders and journalists) are underphysiquedistancing restrictions. This makes a lot of traditional fact-checking and journalistic activitiesmoredifficult. Cependant, this challenge has amplified the need for expanding the use ofopen source intelligence (OSINT) outilsand training civil societies and journalists infinding and investigating disinformation through OSINT. En même temps, becausethis work haslargely moved to theonline space, making itvulnerable tocyber-attacks et technological sanitationdigital security and encryptionwith integration of physical and psycho-social security have become key.  

On the other hand, unspeople’s wider concerns arounddisinformation and fake news growexpansion of social behavior change communications (SBCC) is needed. SBCC could equip people with deeper critical thinking techniquesand turn them into analytical information consumers. 

The disinformation efforts have been multiplying amid COVID-19, making it difficult to deliver authentic information about the virus to populations. En même temps, it jes a pivotal time for news reporting, news consumption habits and responsible technology. Créatif’s teams are focusing on using existing communications channels to disseminate accurate, vetted information on the pandemic with partners and community members, as well as supporting new efforts to combat disinformation as it arises in the contexts where we work.

For more information and updates about Creative and our programs’ response to COVID-19,click here.