Youth Movement Reaches Belize!

Publié octobre 15, 2012 .
1 lecture min..

Movimiento Jovenes Contra la Violencia depuis Créatif sur Viméo.

Associés créatifs internationaux, à travers son USAID/SICA Regional Youth Alliance Program, and two representatives from the Youth Movement Against Violence from Guatemala and Panama were in Belize City this past weekend with Belizean youth to establish the Youth Movement Chapter in that country and to ask government agencies to support the national Youth Movement. Plus que 80 youth attended thecall for actionworkshop held on October 6. The Belizean youth were informed about violence statistics in Belize, listened to the progress made to date by exisiting Youth Movements in Guatemala, Le sauveur, Honduras and Panama and learned about the opening of the new Youth Movement chapters in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. At the workshop, the youth elected 10 interim coordinators to work towards the establishment of the Youth Movement Chapter in Belize and to join the Central American Strategy C.A 12-12.

Créatif, along with representatives from the Central American Youth Movement Against Violence, will return to Belize in three weeks to validate the recently-finalized Belizean Crime Prevention Policy so that the voices of Belizean youth are incorporated in a Central American Crime Prevention Policy. The Youth Movement will present the Policy to the Central American Presidents at the next Summit on December 4th in Managua, Nicaragua.

Movimiento Jovenes Contra la Violencia 2 depuis Créatif sur Viméo.