Principales leçons de la programmation durable

Publié avril 6, 2021 .
Par Semere Salomon .
4 lecture min..

If intent ensured success, our work would be long done. 

Development efforts are aimed at designing programsthat provide long-lastingimpactCependant, despite much goodwill and sincerity, sustainability remainsunnelusive goal.Dans ceessay, I willdefine sustainabilitydiscuss the root causesde why some programming falls short ofmakingunsustained impact and outline the lessons wecan learn  

What Makes a Sustainable Program

Programs are sustainable quand ils rencontrer certain criteria andachieve certainbenchmarks. Ceux-ci incluent: 

  • Becoming embedded in systems that make provisions for supporting them with policy and strategic framework
  • Allowing the provision of institutional capacity building
  • Are affordable enough for their continuation 

Sustainable programs also should: 

  • Engage in effective community consultations 
  • Build trust 
  • M.anage expectations by clearly defining roles and responsibilities 
  • Mobilize core competencies
  • Set measurable goals
  • Forge strategic partnerships 
  • Planning for sustainability. 

 It shouldaussiprovide space for collaborating, learning and adapting.To be afforded the chance to achieve these goals nécessite strong local leadership imbued with the required skill set, passion and political commitment. 

How Not to Create a Sustainable Program 

Designingdurableprogrammesis not anenddansitselfThe journey to sustainable programming starts witha thoroughcompréhensiondelesocioeconomic and political terrain of the host country and its home-grown development objectives. The program shouldêtreseamlesslyanchoredàand aligned withces 

Sovereign countriesand their peoplehave every right to frame theirowndevelopment objectives andcréerroadmaps towardtheir realization. No matter hownoble theintention is, norich donor paysshould imposec'estagenda ontheir partners. 

Sustainable Programming as a Function of Respect

Extensive consultations and mutual understanding make for the best partnerships. The first questions development partners should ask are: 

  • What are host countries’ development objectives? 
  • How can we help support their realization? 

Host countries that question development partners’ assumptions or challenge their theories should be rewarded. They should be encouraged to express their ideas and thoughts. Après tout, they know their own situations best, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to social or economic problems. 

Sustainable programming should be inclusive and capable of addressing the needs of the poor, disadvantaged, marginalized, etc., and not the will of a narrow elite group with special interests. 

Programming should address the entire nation’s priorities. What is the point of putting money into higher education when the priority is universalizing basic education? Is it justifiable to insist on investing in a cure when the priority is preventive medicine? Is it wise to invest in plantingtrees alien to the terrain rather than maintaining the indigenous ones that are resistant to diseases? Does it make sense to make investments on mega-structures whose maintenance costs are beyond the financial reach of a host country? Why build big financial institutions when the poor cannot access them 

De plus, development should be genuine, forward looking and centered on community interest. Development partners should take care to avoid election-driven and other politically motivated programming, and programming that favors one group (ethnic, religious, genre) or stratum to the detriment of others. They should also work to prevent instituting stigma on a group or population. 

Sustainable programming devraitbe ablegenerate demand by galvanizing the widest possible political support from the communities in needIt should focus oncitizens who arealwaysfinding ways to survive through their own hard work and ingenuity. 

Keeping this in mind, sustainable programming should put environmental considerations at the forefront. Development partners should exercise caution to not destroy or create imbalance in the ecosystem. 

No cultureis old enough tobe thrown in the dust bin of history. There is always something to learn from culture. Culture is like a solid foundation that you build your house on. Sustainable programming should thus be respectful of local culture, traditions and societal values. People who are proud of their identity or culture are more likely to succeed in building a stronger nation. 

It should be scalable. But scale requires not only the political will to do it, but should also consider affordability, because support could or should stop at one point. 

Temps + Patience + Effort = Success

Sustainable programminginterventions should not be perceived as stand-aloneefforts. Ils should bethought of as a continuum withshort, medium and long-term objectives etunconscious effort to ensuresynergy. 

We can make the world a better place if we work togetherfor our common destiny. Après tous, we aretous citizens ofthe sameplanet. 

Semere Salomon is the Senior Director of the Africa Regional Center at Creative Associates International.