Somos creativos

Empowering change for nearly 50 años.

En 1977, four women, united by their shared passion for education, founded the enterprise that would become Creative Associates International.

The experience gained from those early years quickly led to international pursuits. Fueled by the entrepreneurial spirit of our founders and the collective skill of our global staff, Creative’s belief in innovation, strength in local partnerships and lasting impact remains steadfast.

Founding CEO Charito Kruvant championed the Creative mission for over 40 years before transitioning to Board Chair in 2018. Hoy, Creative is led by CEO Leland Kruvant and a team of mission-driven professionals who are fulfilling the Creative vision and exemplifying our values in all of our projects, present and future.


To support people around the world to realize the positive change they seek


We are focused on the people we serve.

En creativo, we envision stable neighborhoods, comunidades y regiones que puedan desarrollar instituciones efectivas para atender a su gente, permitiéndoles superar las dificultades y vivir una vida pacífica y plena.

We remain focused on our commitment to humanity. Our successes reflect the stories of people — participants, donors and professional staff — sharing the same values and working together to realize the positive change they seek.

Our Values


Approach our work and one another with respect and humility.


Foster open, honest relationships with trust and transparency.

Client Focus

Prioritize the needs of our clients and participants.


Drive positive change through experience and Innovation.


Build a team that is diverse in skill and united in mission.


Creative’s approach also takes into account its responsibility to clients, donors and partners. Creative has the highest respect for its clients and the stated goals of a program. Whether the client is the U.S. government, the private sector or a global foundation, Creative has in place the financial, programmatic and operational controls to ensure good stewardship of resources.

Creative Associates International is committed to ethical behavior in all of its activities and has robust compliance and ethics programs that are aligned with its corporate values and U.S. law.

Key elements of Creative’s programs include written compliance standards and procedures, ongoing employee training, regular audit evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of the compliance plan, as well as a reporting process for complaints and concerns and more.

Creative has developed a framework to ensure all business is conducted morally, ethically and in the spirit of public accountability in conformity with applicable laws, regulations, and practices common to other corporations and governmental agencies. Creative’s staff, implementing partners, and subcontractors are required to adhere to these ethical business standards and procedures.

You can also view the code translated into the following languages: Arabic, French, Portuguese y Spanish.

Creative’s Supplier Code of Conduct mirrors Creative’s Business Code of Ethics. We believe in doing business with business partners who share our values and approach to doing business. We expect these business partners to review, understand and act consistently with the standards set out in Creative’s Global Supplier Code of Conduct. This document is incorporated in all contractual documents between Creative and its suppliers, subcontractors and consultants.

Creative’s policy is designed to ensure fairness and transparency and demonstrate that the organization is a good steward of its clients’ resources when soliciting, evaluating and selecting vendors.

In upholding its reputation for integrity in programming, it is the policy of Creative to ensure that an employee’s authority and influence solely benefit the project and the operations of the project.

Creative will report to appropriate authorities all allegations of fraud and misconduct, as well as support efforts to ascertain their credibility. Creative’s Security Department receives, reviews, investigates and properly disposes of all allegations of fraud and misconduct.

Creative seeks to ensure that children are safeguarded and their welfare is promoted with respect to their participation in activities in which the company is involved.

Creative’s Combating Trafficking in Persons Compliance Plan has three main anchors, which include: prohibitions — to ensure that Creative’s zero tolerance for anti-trafficking is publicized and clearly set forth; prevention — to specify actions that Creative will take to help prevent trafficking behaviors from occurring; and recourse — to specify reviews and actions that will be taken if anti-trafficking is suspected or if it occurs.