#WomenandCVE tweetchat to explore role of women & girls in CVE

Al corriente mayo 2, 2016 .
1 lectura mínima.


#WomenandCVE tweetchat to explore role of women & girls in CVE


[/vc_column_text][/columna_vc][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_columna ancho=»2/3″][vc_column_text]Las mujeres pueden y deben desempeñar un papel más importante en la identificación y reducción de las causas profundas que llevan a las personas a la radicalización y al posible extremismo violento., said experts al Simposio CVEen washington, CORRIENTE CONTINUA.

Join us on Twitter to continue the conversation on this pressing topic Monday, Puede 9, at Noon EDT. The tweetchat will explore the role of women and girls in countering violent extremism.

Experts will address topics from women’s influence preventing and countering violent extremism to their roles in recruiting and radicalizing youth to join extremists groups.

What: #WomenandCVE tweetchat on the role of women and girls in countering violent extremism

Cuando: Monday, Puede 9 de 12-1 pm EDT


  • Rekha Mehra, Senior Associate and Gender expert with Creative Associates International
  • Allison Peters Senior Policy Adviser with The Institute for Inclusive Security
  • Sara Zeiger, Senior Research Analyst with Hedayah

Moderador: @CVECommunity

How to Participate: Follow us on Twitter and join the conversation. Tag your tweets with #WomenandCVE.

To read the article “Countering violent extremism depends on women, dicen los expertos en el Simposio de DC,"haga clic aquí.[/vc_column_text][/columna_vc][vc_columna ancho=»1/12″][/columna_vc][vc_columna ancho=»1/4″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=»barra lateral-primaria»][/columna_vc][/vc_row]