Construyendo el legado de la educación bilingüe en Mozambique

Al corriente octubre 28, 2021 .
By Fernanda Matsinhe .
3 lectura mínima.
Since printing the 500 different book titles, Vamos Ler! has distributed 10 million books to 1,950 schools in rural areas in Nampula and Zambezia

Nampula, MozambiqueThe Mozambican population speaks more than forty indigenous languages, y 85 percent of the country’s population speaks Emakhuwa, Echuwabo and Elomwe. But Portuguese is Mozambique’s official language and remains the language of instruction in most Mozambican schools, despite that fewer than 3 percent of Mozambique people speak Portuguese as a first language.

Most primary school children struggle with developing reading skills because the school curriculum and children’s books are written in Portuguese. Sin embargo, scientific research shows that children learn better when taught in their first language.

Limited availability of teaching and learning resources written in indigenous Mozambican languages is often cited as one of the barriers to implementing bilingual education in schools across the country.

Producing Teaching and Learning Materials in Local languages

Desde 2016, USAID-funded Vamos Ler!/leamos, a five-year bilingual early grade literacy program that seeks to improve 800,000 students’ reading and writing skills in partnership with the Mozambique Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH), has supported the Government of Mozambique to develop teaching and learning materials in the three most spoken languages, En Makhuwa, empuja, and Elomwe.

Dr. Telesfero de Jesus in a book warehouse located in Nampula. (Foto por: Leopoldino Jeronimo)

“To expand the bilingual education system in the country, one of the key starting points was the material development process. There was a general paucity of learning materials in local languages, a reality that is changing thanks to programs like USAID Vamos Ler!,” explains, Dr. Telesfero de Jesus, the National Director of Primary Education.

En los últimos cinco años, leamos! has worked hand in hand with the Ministry on the development of hundreds of reading and learning materials written in the three languages and Portuguese for Grade 1 through Grade 4 estudiantes y profesores. Materials include student books, teacher manuals, scripted lesson plans, pósters, alphabet charts, and story books.

“When we started this journey, none of us could have imagined that in a short period of time we would manage to develop so many books, cerca de 500 titles. It is an amazing accomplishment. Es un gran legado para el país.," dice el Dr.. de jesus.

Mucha gente participó en el proceso de elaboración de estos materiales..

El proceso de escritura de libros para cada nivel de grado siempre comenzaba con la revisión de los materiales existentes y la búsqueda de historias locales.. Entonces, hubo una serie de talleres para que los participantes crearan nuevos títulos de forma colaborativa, incluidos los profesores, autores locales, especialistas multilingües, diseñadores gráficos, ilustradores, y especialistas del Ministerio y Vamos Ler!.

Aceptación de la comunidad desde el principio

El programa buscó comentarios de la comunidad durante el proceso de desarrollo del libro porque la participación de la comunidad y los padres es esencial para el éxito del programa..

Todos los libros fueron probados en el campo con maestros., padres/tutores, children and community leaders to verify that texts and images correlated and most importantly to confirm that books reflect local culture and context.

“The program brought many methodological innovations in the development of the books that we as MINEDH are going to keep using. Bringing the books to the community to test before they are delivered to the school was an important step; we could see the enthusiasm of parents and leaders of the community, as they have a saying on what their children are going to be taught," dice el Dr.. de jesus.

Since developing nearly 500 different titles, leamos! has printed and distributed more than 10 million teaching and learning materials to 1,950 schools in rural areas in Nampula and Zambezia.

Sin duda, el programa ha causado una gran impresión en la educación de Mozambique al crear el primer gran programa de alfabetización bilingüe del país., así como distribuir en una proporción de uno a uno para que cada estudiante tenga un libro que refleje la cultura local..