A message from Creative President and CEO Leland Kruvant

Al corriente junio 2, 2020 .
2 lectura mínima.

George Floyd’s last words are haunting as the 46-year-old called out for his mother. When I saw the video of his brutal killing at the hands of Minneapolis police officers and heard those words, my emotions ricocheted from anger and outrage to sadness and despair. It is a painful reminder that discrimination, racism and inequality continue today. It is appalling and it must end.

I am a Hispanic man and CEO of a company founded on diversity. Four women: a Bolivian immigrant; a Chinese immigrant; an African American; and a Jewish American. I represent a diverse workforce and I am proud of it.

As a development company, we support vulnerable and at-risk populations wherever they are. We know there are pathways and techniques to address inequalities. I hope that officials and civil society will collaborate to move cities, counties and states to ensure the rights, freedoms and dignity of all Americans.

What gives me hope is the mix of peaceful protesters—all races, ages and backgrounds—who are coming together to say that the lives of their neighbors are important. Even during a pandemic, people are gathering against all forms of discrimination. I applaud their dedication and commitment to social, economic and racial justice.

It is a stressful time for all of us at Creative as we focus on COVID-19, an economic downturn and protests near our doors. For our colleagues who are people of color, every day can be impacted by what would seem to be typical activities we take for granted—jogging, driving or even birdwatching—that could turn potentially dangerous or even tragic. They are dealing with a lot, much of it unjustly a result of the color of their skin. Rightly so, many feel that they or a family member could be the next victim. And now, Black, Hispanic and Native American communities are infected and dying at a higher rate from COVID-19, while Asian communities have been subjected to hate crimes and discrimination based on the disease’s origin. The pressure does not let up. Remember, we have your back.

Please stay safe and healthy.

