Avisos de adquisiciones y consultores

Critical to our success are smart, highly motivated and committed individuals and companies.

Creative works with a range of vendors, organizations and consultants, from large-scale manufacturers to community-level suppliers to sole proprietorships, and everyone in between.

Creative uses competitive solicitation methods to obtain the best value in goods and services.

Are you interested in partnering with Creative to fuel the success of development projects throughout the world?

We want to hear from you!

For questions on procurements, please contact [email protected]. For questions on consultants, please contact [email protected].

Supplier Code of Conduct

Creative’s Supplier Code of Conduct mirrors Creative’s Business Code of Ethics. We believe in doing business with business partners who share our values and approach to doing business. We expect these business partners to review, understand and act consistently with the standards set out in Creative’s Global Supplier Code of Conduct. This document is incorporated in all contractual documents between Creative and its suppliers, subcontractors and consultants.