Outreach center success touted at IADB

November 20, 2014

To tell a story about transformation in the barrios of San Pedro Sula to diplomats, policymakers and business leaders in the corridors of Washington, DC, a picture says a thousand words....
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Panama Award Nominees are Heroes for Youth

November 17, 2014

Three directors of Youth Outreach Centers and a national volunteer leader have been nominated for “Heroes for Panama” award, which one of the country’s largest TV networks bestows each year....
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Study: Central America crime prevention works

November 5, 2014

Community-based crime and violence prevention programs are succeeding in improving security in at-risk neighborhoods across Central America, according to a new study by Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project....
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New centers for youth in El Salvador

November 5, 2014

72 new outreach centers across El Salvador will provide youth in crime-affected communities with safe spaces for recreation and opportunities for personal and professional growth....
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