WASHINGTON, D.C.: Reducing Conflict By Identifying Causes, Building Bridges

September 29, 2014

Conflict is one of the primary obstacles to successful development work. The most well-meaning, best-designed development activity may inadvertently exacerbate conflict. Creative has a deep understanding of conflict dynamics and the underlying forces that drive them. The organization applies its operational expertise with theories of change analytics to identify the root causes specific to a conflict and design customized programming that is regionally and culturally appropriate to address them....
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“Whole school” transformations for a 21st century Tanzania

September 27, 2014

Zanzibar, Tanzania —At the turn of the millennium, things were looking down for Tanzanian students. The enthusiastic support for primary school education and literacy that had sparked at independence had been blunted by hunger, drought and economic downturn that funneled money away from schools. Net enrollment rates declined to just 57 percent in 2000. ...
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Tanzanian schools arrive in the digital age

September 27, 2014

Zanzibar, Tanzania—In a wired world filled with phonics apps and online courses, students can access a library of learning tools and content with the swipe of a finger or click of a mouse. For students in Tanzania, unfortunately, the 21st century did not necessarily bring with it a wave of technology....
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For the First Time, Youth in Panama Dream their Futures

September 27, 2014

Panama City—There used to be a line here that you could not cross, guarded by men with guns. It separated the American Canal Zone, with its greenery, nice schools and the YMCA—constructed to offer workers with “entertainment of an elevating character”—from the rest of Panama City....
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Panama’s “Two Worlds” Come Together for Youth

September 27, 2014

Panama City—The sleek executive offices of ENSA, one of Panama’s largest electric distribution companies, are a world apart from the seaside city of Colón, where rotting buildings and open sewage are the backdrop for joblessness, poverty and violent crime. ...
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