U.S.-Cuba Relations: President’s Letter

December 18, 2014

In a Dec. 18 letter explaining the most significant changes in the 5-decade relationship, President Obama said: “We are making them because it will spur change among the people of Cuba, and that is our main objective.”...
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Ownership the key to post-2015 development

December 11, 2014

As the Millennium Development Goals end, today’s development practitioners must chart new goals that capitalize on programmatic successes, improve shortcomings and take into account markedly different realities on the ground, according to a panel of experts....
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Active learning revitalizes Yemeni curriculum

December 9, 2014

Sanaa, Yemen—Real learning happens when a child can interact with a concept and truly understand it firsthand. Rote memorization and lectures crammed with information have proven to be ineffective. Unfortunately, these teaching methods have been standard practice in Yemen for years....
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Outreach center success touted at IADB

November 20, 2014

To tell a story about transformation in the barrios of San Pedro Sula to diplomats, policymakers and business leaders in the corridors of Washington, DC, a picture says a thousand words....
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