CENTRAL AMERICA: Empowering Youth as Catalysts of Change

February 20, 2013

More than half of the seven billion people in the world today are under the age of 30. The majority of this demographic also happen to live in the developing world. Consequently, we can no longer conceive viable and sustainable development solutions without integrating youth as a key component of development strategy worldwide....
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YEMEN: Rising from the Rubble

November 28, 2012

YEMEN: Rising from the Rubble Once upon a time, the city of Sana’a was legendary for its beauty, prosperity and cleanliness. In the 9th–10th century, the Yemeni geographer al-Hamdani was supposed to have said: "The least dwelling there has a... Read More

LIBYA: Integrating Libyan Women into the Democratic Process

November 28, 2012

LIBYA: Integrating Libyan Women into the Democratic Process In the wake of the overthrow of the Ghadafi regime, Libyans are making their transition to a more participatory form of government. Fully integrating women into the new democratic process is essential... Read More