40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Morocco/Morocco Education for Girls (MEG)

Date: September 1997 – September 2003

In a country where only a third of rural girls are enrolled in primary schools, the Morocco Education for Girls project, designed and managed by Creative and funded by USAID, worked to correct this imbalance by improving educational quality through teacher training, increased community participation and improved management. Moroccan government data show that the project affected the education of one million children and assisted with education reforms....



Morocco/Training for Development Project (TFD)

Date: January 1993 – December 1997

Started in 1991 to reinforce Morocco's in-country training capacity and to improve managerial and technical skills for economic development and private sector expansion, the USAID-funded Training for Development Project was amended in 1995 to provide technical and material assistance and training to the Ministry of National Education in order to help ensure improved educational services and programs in rural areas--particularly to improve the retention of rural girls in schools. ...



Mozambique – Vamos Ler! Let’s Read! Program

Education Date: 2016-2021

The five-year Mozambique Vamos Ler! (Let’s Read!) program is developing bilingual education tools and activities, improving national early grade literacy policies and delivery and monitoring systems, enhancing school leadership and increasing parental and community engagement in early grade literacy....

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Mozambique Assessment Children and Youth Renamo Zones

Date: February 1994 – May 1994

As Mozambique moved towards peace, of particular concern were children who had been drafted into the military. Creative provided an assessment that defined and located groups of vulnerable children in the RENAMO Zones and identified resources and constraints to reaching them, outlining measures to achieve program goals given available resources and constraints. The report examined information, assessed existing procedures, programs and institutions and made recommendations for unaccompanied children and youth with experience in war....



Mozambique Assessment Ex-Combatants Reintegration

Date: November 1993 – January 1994

Creative worked with the UN Office of Humanitarian Assistance Coordination and UNDP as well as RENAMO, government officials and donors to assess referral services for demobilized soldiers from the conflict. The final report, A Feasibility Study of Referral Services for the Demobilized, presented a rationale for referral services, requirements for initiating services in Mozambique and a recommended plan of action. The study served as a basis for developing an information and referral service program....



Mozambique IOM I

Date: May 1994 – January 1995

Creative, working with USAID/Maputo and the International Organization on Migration, provided reintegration services for ex-combatants of Mozambique's civil war. Creative assessed potential needs for reintegration and provided a final report on an implementation strategy for a Provincial Fund for Mozambique....