40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Mongolia/Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Date: September 2007 – March 2008

Creative launched a general assessment in support of Mongolia’s goal to develop a vocational education system that would prepare its workforce to meet the demands of a market economy. The Mongolia Technical Vocational Education and Training assessment was made possible by the Millennium Challenge Corporation a U.S. initiative designed to provide development assistance to some of the world’s poorest countries....



Morocco – Reading for Success – National Program for Reading

Education Date: 2017-2022

National Program for Reading program will support the Government of Morocco to develop a national literacy program to improve Arabic literacy skills in grades 1 through 4. The USAID-funded program aims to improve classroom instruction; expand remedial and extra-curricular reading opportunities at school, at home and in the community; and improve national learning and assessment systems for reading and writing....

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Morocco – Promise Pathways Program

Capacity Development Date: 2014 - 2018

In Morocco’s Marrakesh-Tensift-Al Haouz, up to 14,000 children are already working or are at great risk of becoming agricultural and domestic laborers. Though Morocco has had significant success in addressing child labor, problems continue....

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Morocco: Fostering Peaceful Communities

Capacity Development Date: 2016-2018

Taking an innovative approach to building a network of resilience at the local level, the Fostering Peaceful Communities in Morocco project supports local religious and civil society leaders to address the factors that make youth more vulnerable to radicalization....

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