40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Jordan – Education Reform Support Program

Economic Growth Date: 2009-2014

Education has played a transformative role in the development of Jordan from an agrarian, subsistence economy to a predominantly urban, industrialized nation. In July 2003, the government launched the Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy initiative, which is intended to upgrade the education sector and provide more comprehensive and appropriate services to its graduates....

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Jordan – Learning Environment Technical Support

Health Date: 2011-2014

Jordan’s bold education reform program seeks to integrate critical thinking, problem solving, workplace skills and e-learning approaches into its schools’ core education curricula, as well as improve the quality of learning environments....

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Jordan Rural Community Clusters Development Program

Economic Growth Date: July 2002 – December 2003

Working with Jordan's Ministry of Planning, Creative implemented the Rural Community Clusters Development Program which helped citizens meet self-defined community needs while promoting social stability and integration. The program used Creative's BRIDGES approach of forging ties between citizens, helping them resolve infrastructural, economic and environmental needs identified by their communities. Over the life of the program, Creative helped bring peace and prosperity to more than 140,000 people in 64 municipal communities....



Kenya Professional Leadership in Ethics

Capacity Development Date: January 2008 – June 2008

Creative provided short-term strategic technical expertise and direct capacity building support to a World Bank-funded project to bolster organizations promoting public sector ethics and professionalism. Specifically, the project worked to enhance the growth and expansion of the Association of Professional Societies of East Africa and the Makerere Center for Applied Ethics. The project's goal was to increase the sustainability and effectiveness of the organizations' leadership and the application of their ethics roles....



Latin America and Caribbean/Eastern Caribbean Teacher Training Institute

Capacity Development Date: July 1987

Creative assisted Ministries of Education, the University of the West Indies and Florida A&M University in developing a six-week institute for primary and secondary school teachers from eight Caribbean islands in order to extend their teaching skills. An initial workshop was delivered in Florida, followed by workshops on each island for all participants to reinforce the initial training. Principals and teachers reported observable and measurable changes in performance and in student outcomes....



Latin America and Caribbean/Presidential Training Initiative for the Island Caribbean

Capacity Development Date: September 1986 – February 1989

Creative supported the United Schools of America, Inc. with needs assessment, assisting with the recruitment and placement of participants, monitoring participants' social and academic progress, supporting students and providing technical assistance related to specific training and program needs. Training was provided in-region; in-country; and in U.S. colleges and universities, junior and community colleges, technical schools, and the private sector to 1,200 participants....