40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Guinea/Basic Education Evaluation

Instructional Systems

Creative evaluated two basic education sector reform support projects in Guinea, assessing actual versus planned progress toward their goals and determining the projects' effectiveness in support of a multi-donor Education Sector Adjustment Program. A focus of the evaluation was women in development issues. The evaluation assisted USAID and the government in reassessing the need and effectiveness for continued assistance. It provided recommendations for adjustments in project design and helped to direct follow-on activities. ...



Guinea/Fundamental Quality and Equity Levels (FQEL)

Instructional Systems Date: August 1997 – July 2005

Guinea improved the quality of and access to education for girls in the country’s 3,500 elementary schools. Creative provided support, through the USAID-funded Fundamental Quality and Equity Levels project, to the government in designing and implementing reforms. Emphasis was on changes in classroom practices through reform of curricula; development of materials and delivery systems; and teacher training, supervision and assessment as well as on changes in policy, planning and management of the education system. ...



Haiti Basic Education Assessment and Program Design

Health Date: February 2007 – April 2007

Creative assessed and designed two program components for the USAID/Haiti education strategy, addressing equitable access to quality basic education and strengthening public sector executive function in the Ministry of Education. USAID intended that the new strategy have greater demographic and geographic focus and that three vulnerable groups be targeted: children and youth under 25; women; and special concerns groups, such as people living with AIDS, TB patients and trafficked persons....



Haiti Elections & Civic Education Program

Date: November 2005 – April 2006

Following the resignation and departure of Haitian President Aristide, an interim government that was committed to moving forward with presidential and parliamentary elections was installed. Creative assisted in the preparation for fair and free elections using the successful USAID-funded Haiti Media Assistance and Civic Education project as the springboard. This was the first extension of the project; subsequently, USAID awarded Creative a second six-month extension under the EPP IQC....



Haiti Electoral Security Assessment

Elections Date: September 2012 – December 2012

USAID awarded Creative the Haiti Electoral Security Assessment in preparation for the anticipated Senatorial and subnational elections....



Haiti Media Assistance and Civic Education Program (RAMAK)

Governance Date: October 2001 – December 2005

Made possible by USAID, the Haiti Media Assistance and Civic Education Project, known in Creole as RAMAK, produced a 12-part radio drama, Kadejak nans Ans Marie (Rape in Ans Marie) that traced the rape of a young woman and her search for justice. A listeners’ survey concluded that half the Haitian population had heard the series. Through RAMAK, radio airtime increased by 75 percent thanks to low-cost solar panels and new equipment, doubling the population’s access to community radio. ...