40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Guatemala Civil Society Program

Governance Date: August 2001 – September 2004

Targeting transparency, anti-corruption, public security, ethnic discrimination and congressional strengthening activities, the program built on Creative's years of experience working with Guatemalan civil society. Bold initiatives by local partners included bringing gangs and national police together to address complex tasks of improving public security and preventing crime. By encouraging an expanded understanding of the value of indigenous populations, the project challenged ethnic discrimination and helped place the issue on the national agenda....



Guatemala Design for Human Rights Education Program

Governance Date: October 1995 – April 1996

Creative evaluated the organizational capacity and quality of programming of the education and publications divisions in Guatemala’s Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights. The evaluation team recommended strategies for strengthening the delivery of programs and improving the integration of 17 regional offices. During the evaluation, Creative conducted retreats and planning sessions and analyzed human rights education programming in the region, emphasizing successes and models for expanding programming vision....



Guatemala Human Rights and Reconciliation Program (HRRP)

Governance Date: May 2001 – September 2004

Creative implemented the Human Rights and Reconciliation Program in Guatemala, disseminating the findings of the Historical Clarification Commission, mobilizing citizens to protect human rights, working with communities to initiate remembrance activities for victims of war, encouraging coordination among human rights groups and increasing awareness of children separated from their families, often forcibly, during the civil war. ...



Guatemala INCIDENCIA Project

Governance Date: September 1997 – September 2001

Proyecto INCIDENCIA, managed by Creative , encouraged civil society organizations in Guatemala to support more effective citizen participation in political decision making processes and public policy reforms. The project built capacity in: advocacy, social mobilization, coalition building, civic education, public policy formulation, organizational development, communication and networking. It motivated CSOs in the proposal design process and distributed 63 grants totaling approximately $3 million, and 61 quick response grants totaling $246,000....



Guatemala/Basic Education Strengthening Project (BEST)

Instructional Systems Date: July 1992 – November 1992

Creative conducted a mid-term evaluation of the two-year-old USAID-funded Basic Education Strengthening project in Guatemala, which was designed to improve the quality, efficiency, coverage and administration of primary education services. The project focused on improving management skills and operations in the Ministry of Education in order to improve the planning and decision-making capabilities necessary to improve the primary education system. ...



Guatemala/Technical Training of Peace Corps Volunteers

Date: October 1983 – November 1984

Creative contracted with the Peace Corps to implement pre- and in-service training of volunteers in the areas of technical training, core curriculum, cross-cultural training, language and communications, basic health and hygiene maintenance, Peace Corps policy orientation and work placement orientation. To fulfill these goals, Creative used an experimental training approach, actively involving participants in discovery and skills application....