40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Global/Education, Training and Human Resources Development (ETHRD) IV IQC

Education Date: February 1994 – February 1998

Creative managed a USAID-funded Indefinite Quantity Contract that provided quick-response technical services to developing countries in matters related to education, training and human resources development. Creative provided technical services and assistance on an as-needed basis in the areas of assessment, design and evaluation services to USAID bureaus and Missions in Africa, Asia, the Near East and Latin America....



Global/Equity in the Classroom (EIC)

Education Date: September 1997 – December 2002

Equity in the Classroom is an intensive training program developed by Creative that increases the retention and academic achievement of girls and marginalized children in primary school classrooms through the training of many stakeholders. The approach, which is adapted to the needs of each country or region where it is used, was originally implemented in Benin, South Africa, and Uganda, with funding from USAID’s Office of Women in Development....



Global/Evaluation of Worldwide Participant Training

Date: April 1986 – September 1989

Creative evaluated participant training programs managed by Partners for International Education and Training to improve student programming and processing. Under the USAID-funded project, Creative collected data on technical and academic training programs attended by USAID-funded participants from around the world, and then reviewed and revised data collection procedures, developed new instruments and trained data collectors in the field to employ sensitivity to the culture and language of their subjects. ...



Global/Lifelong Education Assistance through Rapid Response to Needs (LEARRN) IQC

Education Date: June 2003 – June 2006

Creative worked on activities related to the USAID-funded Lifelong Education Assistance through Rapid Response to Needs project. Creative provided assistance to developing countries in the areas of education (from early childhood development through higher education), training and capacity building, telecommunications and information technologies and related areas of human development. ...



Goodwill 2001 Statistical Report

Date: December 2001 – April 2002

Creative developed the original web-based ASR application, including a set of web-based survey forms and a reporting engine. This project developed the 2001 version, including a set of modified forms, reports and pages; uploading raw data into a database; and creating a report transfer utility. Goodwill Applications Support....



Goodwill Central Info System

Date: March 1998 – January 1999

Creative facilitated systems planning and design of Goodwill’s Central Info System, monitoring and managing project deadlines. The team worked onsite on project-driven SQL Server database administration and system design tasks. ...