40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


ETHRD III/Tanzania/Training for Impact: Impact Evaluation for USAID/Tanzania and Guidance for Mission Training

Date: September 1992 – October 1992

Creative conducted an evaluation of training undertaken by USAID/Tanzania to improve measurement and management of training impact. The evaluation focused on both program effectiveness and impact to assist USAID/Tanzania in improving its operations and ascertaining the contribution of training to the achievement of objectives. Training elements in various projects in the health and private sectors were included as part of the evaluation, as were women in development issues....



ETHRD III/Uganda/Ugandan Education Sector Studies

Instructional Systems Date: September 1991 – December 1991

Creative assessed the Ugandan educational system at the ministry, district and local levels, and proposed structural improvements to strengthen the educational system's financial accounting systems in preparation for USAID's proposed national basic primary education program. Based on its findings, the team proposed alternative financial accounting systems and potential methods of channeling aid to primary schools so that equity, efficiency and effectiveness concerns would be taken into consideration....



ETHRD IV/India/Situational Analysis of Girls’ Education

Instructional Systems Date: October 1994 – December 1994

For USAID/India, Creative conducted a research study that summarized the status of girls' education, described efforts to improve education in low-female-literacy states, analyzed strengths and weaknesses in elementary education and identified possible areas of intervention for improving girls' education. The study was conducted in the context of USAID/New Delhi's goal of sustainable development and its population and women's empowerment initiatives. ...



External Evaluation of Narcotics Awareness and Education

Date: September 1992 – March 1993

Creative conducted an assessment of the implementation of the contract for the Narcotics Awareness and Education Project....



Global, Cameroon and Botswana/Assessment and Analysis of Non-formal Education

Instructional Systems Date: September 1980 – July 1983

Creative developed a model for assessing non-formal education (NFE) activities in developing countries under a USAID contract. A prototype method for nationwide assessment/analysis of NFE was developed in phases: 1) collaboration with the Centre National d'Education in Cameroon in the design and implementation of an assessment/analysis of NFE, 2) collaboration with the Department of NFE in Botswana to adapt the model to their needs, and 3) presentation of the prototype model in a workshop attended by policy planners....