40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


ETHRD III/El Salvador/Design of Electoral and Democratic Processes Project

Elections Date: April 1992 – May 1992

Creative provided USAID/El Salvador with strategies to strengthen citizen involvement in the electoral process--particularly among women, youth and rural dwellers--and to improve the operational and managerial efficiency of the newly created Supreme Electoral Tribunal. The team reviewed efforts aimed at building civil society through NGOs in the areas of voter awareness and education, voter registration and mobilization, citizen advocacy and issues awareness and more effective use of conventional and alternative media....



ETHRD III/Global/Lessons Learned on the Integration of Health, Population, and Environment Education in Basic Education

Health Date: September 1992 – April 1993

Creative evaluated and documented "lessons learned" from USAID-funded programs in developing countries designed to integrate health, environment and family planning content into basic education curricula. As many developing countries were addressing high rates of population growth, rapid degradation of the environment and an increasing prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS, the assumption was that dissemination of information would lead to knowledge that, in turn, would lead to a sustained change in attitude and behavior. ...



ETHRD III/Guinea-Bissau/Evaluation of AFRICARE Training Programs

Instructional Systems Date: July 1992 – September 1992

Creative conducted an assessment in Guinea-Bissau of the Vocational Skills Training Project and the Tombali Sustainable Rural Initiatives Project , both implemented by AFRICARE with USAID funds. The assessment included the evaluation of the interim programs’ effects, financial costs, and financial and organizational sustainability on implementing a human resources development program in the private sector of Guinea-Bissau. Recommendations were given to USAID on how to structure and draw on AFRICARE to contribute to USAID's program....



ETHRD III/Lesotho/Design of Primary Education Program Assistance Authorization Document

Instructional Systems Date: March 1991 – May 1991

Creative assisted USAID in completing the analysis for and design of the Program Assistance Authorization Document for the Lesotho Primary Education Project. The team identified and analyzed key public and private organizations involved with primary education reform, assessing their capacity to undertake the primary education reform program, and then recommended strategies to strengthen their institutional capacity. In-country and overseas training plans were developed for educational professionals to implement and monitor reforms and activities. ...



ETHRD III/Rwanda/Training for Impact: Country Training Strategy for USAID/Rwanda

Date: October 1992 – November 1992

USAID's Africa Bureau commissioned a study to develop a methodological framework to help missions determine how training helps to meet strategic development objectives, which training impact indicators are needed and which management needs are required for training to have impact. Creative conducted an evaluation of USAID/Rwanda trainings and prepared a Country Training Strategy and Implementation Plan so USAID training would have maximum impact on the Mission's and Rwanda's development goals....



ETHRD III/Swaziland/Evaluation of Training Impact

Date: June 1992 – November 1992

An in-depth evaluation of all USAID training done in Swaziland involved Creative 's team developing a Data Collection Guide, interviewing officials and others involved in past training activities and conducting a series of focus group interviews with former training program participants. A framework for evaluation was then developed for analyzing the strategic role of training in the development process, along with guidelines for incorporating training in country project or program designs....