40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Ethiopia/Strengthening Community Partnerships in Education (SCOPE)February 2002 – June 2004

Elections Date: February 2002 – June 2004

Creative provided technical expertise in girls' education to Strengthening Community Partnerships in Education, a project in Ethiopia funded by USAID, working with Save the Children and CARE. Creative provided technical advice on strategies to remove barriers that prevent girls, nomads and other vulnerable children from accessing education, and helped design training materials and manuals for educators....



ETHRD III/Asia and Pacific/Evaluation of APEC Partnership for Education Project

Instructional Systems Date: August 1992 – January 1993

Creative conducted a preliminary evaluation of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Partnership for Education project after two years of implementation. The report assisted USAID in evaluating the project's progress and provided valuable information for the development of future activities and direction—especially in the private sector training area. The report, based on project documentation and extensive consultation with participating institutions and individuals, provided a baseline for future evaluations and activities....



ETHRD III/Bolivia/Project Design for Radio Education Program

Instructional Systems Date: May 1991 – July 1991

Creative assisted USAID in designing a comprehensive health care curriculum and a radio-math curriculum for upper primary school students. The team organized and facilitated workshops addressing program development, program implementation, parent outreach and institutional coordination for those involved in implementing the education programs. The team provided recommendations on multi-media instructional materials and an operational plan for research and implementation of selected school-based health and math interventions....



ETHRD III/Egypt/Egyptian Educational Testing Center

Instructional Systems Date: February 1991 – September 1991

Creative provided operational and training support to the newly institutionalized National Center for Evaluation and Examinations under the Egypt Ministry of Education. This assignment for USAID/Cairo involved assessing central and regional-level in-service training needs of teachers and administrators and designing a training plan based on the findings. Short-term services provided related to institution building, needs assessment, training program development and in-service training of trainers....



ETHRD III/Egypt/Final Evaluation of Egypt`s Basic Education I Project

Instructional Systems Date: November 1991 – March 1992

Creative conducted a final evaluation of Egypt's Basic Education I Project on improved access and quality of education, and provided lessons learned to guide USAID and the Ministry of Education in implementation of a follow-on project. The team assessed the impact of school construction on improved access to basic education; evaluated new school construction sites; made conclusions on school construction design, quality and maintenance; and identified constraints to special education, teacher education and curriculum printing. ...



ETHRD III/Egypt/Mid-term Evaluation of Integrated English Language Program

Instructional Systems Date: April 1993 – June 1993

USAID signed a four-year Cooperative Agreement in 1990 with the Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Education through four English language program components, which comprised the Integrated English Language Program. In 1993, Creative conducted a mid-term evaluation of the program focused on identification of strengths and weaknesses of, various assessments of, and recommendations to be considered for the four components. ...